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I eyed the tangled hair that Astra struggled to stuff in her helmet and shook my head

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I eyed the tangled hair that Astra struggled to stuff in her helmet and shook my head. "That's gonna be hard to brush out later," I spoke the obvious.

She threw me an unbothered glance, "I guess that's a problem for later then.''

I winced at the uncomfortable uniform, "I don't know why we're going back we found next to nothing the last time we went there," I whined, pressing the palm to the door so that it opened.

"Yes but we went in blind the last time, we know what we're looking for now," She explained, "His little notebook has a lot of very explicit details but what it doesn't have are records, which is medical stuff that we'll have to find by looking through lots and lots and lots of paperwork."

"Yay," I muttered, fiddling with the communicator on my wrist a bit. "We haven't heard from Tempest in a while," I told her, getting a strange feeling in my gut.

"She's probably just tied up a bit with the armys they've been sending after her, she'll probably check back soon," Astra waved off, as we excited the housing unit hand in hand.

"It's a bit weird though right?"

Her head moved up to look at me "What, Sunshine? Are you trying to imply something?" She shuffled a bit closer to me, "Do you think she's?"

"Dead? No I think she's too valuable to the humans for that to ever happen," I paused for a second "We'd know if she was recaptured right?"

Astra shrugged as she fiddled with her communicator outside the hospital doors before bringing her wrist to the scanner "Not really, we're supposed to be on maternity leave remember, for a high risk pregnancy. Human pregnancies can be really really fragile, I doubt they'd want to risk stressing Teegan," She said as the touch pad glowed green, "And besides something as big as that, it'd probably put everyone into a frenzy, trust me, we'd know."

The door opened revealing what looked like every doctor and nurse in the building rushing around, we stood like fools watching them pushed past each other until we were noticed and beckoned over.

I moved out of the way and scowled at the human who nearly ran me over with a cart of medical supplies and scowled at the them as they continued on their path without so much as an 'excuse me'. "Let it go Kofi, that one's an intern and heaven knows they haven't gotten any shut eye since that thing was brought in."

Astra took a step forward "That thing?"

The plump woman looked shocked at our confusion "They haven't told you yet?" She reached over the counter to grab a large touch pad and pressed some buttons on it before handing it to me. "Told Ambrose not to do it," She sighed, removing her glasses and wiping her eyes "Besides the fact that we have literally no place to put it, this is just cruel of us, to take her only companion."

In the screen, a tied up Deimos was shown clearly, his mouth wide and teeth bared as he screeched defensively. Astra reached over the screen as if wanting to touch Deimos but thats when the live footage ended. Footage of a place I realised I didn't recognize.

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