Total Drama One Shot #2: Stolen By Love (MK x Gina)

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(This one shot was requested by ToxiVliilan , in this one shot, it features MK and Gina (An oc from my friend karateunicornalc ), as MK steals a ring and proposes to Gina.)

Everyone has had their own ways of proposing to the ones they love, whether's it's from the cliche of going on a date and the guy or girl gets on one knee and proposes to you, or it's from something wacky, such as jumping off a cliff, parachuting and asking the person of their dreams to marry them. But you want to know a certain thing that a person did in order to propose to the one they loved? Well...let's just say it involved them going to a jewelry store, at night...while breaking in to steal a ring.

Yes, that is indeed true, in fact, our little story starts at a jewelry store, just as it was closing, and a ring placed inside a small box on the store's counter, was laying there as the security guard of the jewelry store, turned on the security system, and lasers now surrounded the entire store interior and it's belongings.

Soon as the security guard turned on the security system, he head back to his office to watch the security cameras, just in case if he saw any burglars or robbers sneaking into the shop. After an hour or so, the guard then started to feel himself becoming tired, he tried his hardest to stay awake, until eventually, he passed out and fell asleep, with his head on the desk.

Outside the store, a person in a mask arrived in front of the jewelry store, she had black hair, a beanie and wore a red trench coat, known as MK, a delinquent who's on the run from the police due to her countless acts of vandalism, trickery and robbery.

Jewelry stores happen to be one of her favorite places to rob when it's night, she'd go around stealing some necklaces, watches, pearls, money from the cash register, it didn't matter at all, as long as she finds it useful, or for her entertainment, to mess with people.

Tonight however, she had her eyes set on only one piece of jewelry, which happened to be a special, aquamarine ring which is said to be the ring from actress, who performed as a mermaid, before she passed away from old age. Since then, the ring was kept in the store, waiting for an owner to claim it as their own, unfortunately though, it wasn't cheap and rumors spiraled that people would have to pay millions or even billions of dollars to have a ring like that.

However, expensive or not, that didn't stop MK from getting what she was after. She heard about this ring from someone she knew, who was planning to buy the ring just to show off, but MK had better plans for the ring.

So MK grabbed a screwdriver from her trench coat pocket, went over to an air vent shaft that was behind the store, used the screw driver to unscrew the screws, lift the air vent cover and went into the vents to sneak into the store.

After a few minutes of crawling through the vents, MK unscrewed a metal board from the vents, and arrived to the interior of the jewelry store, being extra careful to not touch the lasers when she landed on the ground.

Sneakily, she stepped over and ducked under the lasers and went to the control panel that controlled the lasers. She saw that there was a handprint on the panel, that would both turn off and on the security system of the store.

So, MK sneaked into the security officer's office, carefully picked him up from his chair in order to not wake him up, dragged him to the control panel, and placed his hand on the hand scan of the control panel.

This allowed the scanner to recognize the handprint and turn off all the lasers and the whole security system. MK smirked as she went over to the case of where the aquamarine ring was, used the screw driver from before, and jammed it into the glass case to create a hole in the case.

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