Chapter 2: Let's Draw

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As i think back to what i have said, i must've sound pretty stupid.

Jeanne you idiot, i said to myself.

"Sure." He said.

I was surprised to his response.

"Huh?" I said.

Jeanne, stop acting like an idiot! I said to myself.

"Oh! Uh, ok i'll go get my, uh, stuff." I said to him as i go get my drawing equipments in my bag. So i dug in my bag my pencil case and my file organizer which has all my long and short coupon bands.

As i got back he already prepaired his stuff, his papers, pencils, eraser, and a pencil sharpener.

I decided to sit next to him, but only a sit away from him.

"Ready?" I asked.

"What are we suppose to draw anyways?" He asked.

I then dug in my pocket my phone. I then search some anime pictures in my phone. Something that is not hard nor simple, i said to myself. Then i found the perfect picture.

I showed him a Haruhi Suzumia picture.

"Draw this." I said.

Then he dug out his phone in his pocket and showed me a picture of Sven from Dota.

"And you have to draw this." He said.

At first i was like, Bring it!, but as soon as i start drawing it, it was harder than i thought.

The details on Sven are so complicated and hard that i couldn't explain.

While i was drawing and copying Sven from his phone, i took a glance on his drawing of Haruhi from my phone. The first thing that i noticed that he is a leftie; a left handed kind of person. And tge second tgibg that i noticed was his drawing. He nearly copied Haruhi and i gotta admit that he is a good drawer.

"Cute drawing ya have there." I said.

"Well i started drawibg stuff like this when i was around 5 or 4 years old." He said.


"Well you could say that my master piece was drawing that Sven that you are drawing right now. And it nearly took me 2 hours to finish him."

2 hours he said but drawing this guy nearly took me a half hour to nearly complete it, i said to myself.

"Well if you were my big sis, it took her, like, 3 nights to compkete a perfect drawing of Hatsune Miku." I said as i took ny phone and find the picture of Miku that I told him.

I showed him a very complicated picture of Miku. It was like she was in a X-ray machine because you could see right through her body her skeletal system.

"Well... that is complicated." He said.

(A hour later)

We both finally finished our drawings. Then Jhonny came.

"You two seem busy." He said with a smirk on his face.

"We were just having a little contest." Gray said.

"Oh? Then who is the best, or shoukd i say the winner?" Jhonny asked.

I was about to say sonething but i was cut because Gray pointed his finger at me.

"Oh i see." Jhonny said.

So you admitted defeat, huh? I said in my mind. You could at least ask him to be our judge so i wouldn't feel like i won an empty trophy.

I don't know why but every time i look at Gray i feel like he is my rival. Specially what he had done.

After a while some of the journalist just got back from their competition, meaning Karen and Sasha just got back. And at the same time we have our lunch.

After our lunch, me and Karen chatted and sat on a chair by the door since the private room was invaded by Sasha and the other journalist.

"Hey how was your competition?" I asked.

"Well it was, um, how do you say it? Difficult." She said.

"How so?"

"Well, do you know the feeling when you are are writting long paragraphs from scratch and you have like 15 minutes left to rewrite it? I was like writting like crazy! But luckily i managed to finish it."

"Lucky you, huh?" I said.

And after that we started talking about animes like Black Buttler and Maid Sama.

While we were talking i looked at Gray, he was in his chair with Jhonny when i last saw him. As i looked at him he stole a glace from me then he resumes to look at Jhonny and chatted him.

Did he... look at me? I asked myself.

"Well some people here are seem to be developing something." Said Karen, as i look back at her, she has a smirk on her face.

"As if." I said.

"Well ya never know, maybe someday."

"What do you mean by someday?"

Then Nadie popped out of no where.
"Well a while ago they were talking about something" Nadie said.

Nadie is my classmate and friend, she has short hair and she is also small, and she is our sports writter.

"Where on earth did you came from?!" I said.

"Does it matter?" Nadie said.

"Hey Lindy, when is your competition?" Karen asked.

"Tomorrow morning, why?" Lindy replied

"Nothing in particular. What about you Jeanne?"

"Third day. Wait, why are you asking this?" I asked.

"I told you, nothing in particular." Karen said.

"No, you told Nadie that, not me." I said.

"Whatever!" Karen yeld. There was a slight pause but me and Nadie started to laugh.

We chatted for a very long time and the next thing we knew, it was time to go home.


"How was the competition?" My mom asked while we were eating dinner with my dad and my sister.

"Well nothing much quite happened. Plus my competition starts on the third day." I said.

"So does that mean that you don't have to go to the place where you are gonna have a competition tomorrow?" My mom asked.

"No, we all need to go tomorrow due to some kind of voting for counsilors for us journalists." I answered.

"Well competition or not you must be the best, number 1!" Yelled my dad.

"Yes i know." I said.

Actualy i am not doing it for being number 1 or for the extra curriculum i am only doing it for fun. Plus i never won a single competition yet. By just saying this makes me remember the competitions that i have joined in the past:

2nd place in Poster Making, 2x

Editorial Cartooning, i haven't won a single competition nor gone into the top 7

What a tragedy for me....

The day has ended, the morning sun finally rose...

We are back to THAT room where we have to stay for 3-- make it 2 whole days. One of the Grade 5 journalist, including Nadie left to compete for Sports writing.

"Who the heck is that suppose to be?!!" i yelled. As i rose up to my chair and slams the table.

"It's you." Gray said calmly on his seat as he showed me a drawing of some kind of ugly girl with pimples and freckles, and an arrow pointing to a girl saying 'Jean'.

Hey guys HaiLe here :)
if ya wanna know what happened to this part stay tuned for Chapter 3: You Spelled My Name Wrong ;)

Stay Pretty/Handsome, bye~

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