Chapter 6: Him again

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Hey it's me again haha.
Sorry for not updating for weeks and maybe a month i think?
Weeeeell i'm really sorry cause you know, i have a life outside too hahaha XD
I've been busy with church stuff and assignments. I mean who gives assignments during Christmas vacay? Well teachers of course haha XD.
Weeelp this is Chapter 6, enjoy :)

It's been a week since the District Level and things are back to the way it was... or is it?

Well ever since the competition, i've been noticing Gray's pressence more. It's like someone wearing an oreo costume that i kept on eyeinh at it or someone is cosplaying as a popular anime character like Erza, Iori, or Natsume.

I have no idea why i said that but i guess it just pop in my mind.

So anyways, me and Georgia are eating lunch together at our classroom. Georgia kept on talking about One Direction and how cute and adorable Harry Styles is.

And to be honest with you, i barely listen to her.

"Jeanne!" she yells.

Then i was snap from my transe.

"Wh-what? What is it?" I ask.

"You're doing it again." she respond.

I gave her a look of confusion as i cock an eyebrow.

"Doing what?" I ask again.

"Daydreaming." she replied,"You've been daydreaming a lot since that competition."

"I have?" I tilted my head,"huh..." i added then i eat a spoonful of my lunch.

"Something the matter? Did someone raped you or something?"

"What?! No! No, of course not! why would you even say that?"

Georgia then brushes her curly brown hair behind her ear.

"I am just trying to guess here girl, geez." I then grunt at her then look away, "Jeanne what's been bothering you? Cause i know that you have a problem, i could tell it from the way you daydream."

I then exhale of the sign of surrender.

"I just can't believe that i lost to a person like that Gray person. I mean, yes i am used to defeat but when i lost to him i just-----it felt like i want to murder him."

"I see..." she said, "Well i think that you want to kill him."


"No, what i meant is that you're just jealous of him." she corrected herself.

Then i cock an eyebrow.

"Me?" Georgia nods, "Jealous of him? As if! Why would i be jealous for someone like him for winning on a small competition such as that?!"

"I dunno, it's just my opinion." she said as she chow down on her food.

I mean i am NOT jealous... am i?

Later that afternoon, Mrs. Rodriquez and Mrs. Rosales called for a meeting for all of the journasists later after classes.

So after classes we all went to the club room. We sat down on the chairs in front of the tables that are arranged in a U-like pattern. I sat on the edge of the seat with Karen as we talk about Wattpad stuff.

We all waited for our advisors in the club room. So as i look around the room i noticed Gray is sitting on the opposite table from us. He's, as always, talking with Johnny.

Then finally our adviser Mrs. Rosales came without Mrs. Rodriguez.

"Good afternoon children and i am very glad that you all came in a short notice." she said, "Anyways I would like to inform you all that two months from now there will be a Division School Press Conference at *****. So starting tomorrow I would like you all to train yourselves, after classes, here in this room for this upcoming event. So that would be all and thank you for coming. So, class dismiss."

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