Chapter 13: Goodbye

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Finally, it's graduation day-----or more likely moving up day since we're gonna be 7th graders or to be precise-----a high schooler, after this.

Graduation day, the day where we wear those graduation hats and our last time wearing our school uniform.

In a normal graduation day, we sing our national anthem, the principal would say a long and boring speech about how'll we achieve our goals and etc.

Come to think of it, I never actually cried after the graduation day programme. Some people would cry because they'll miss the teachers, their friends, and maybe the food that they serve there.

But it never really occured to me that I'll be away from my friends after this. As far as I know, my friends will go to the same school as I am but the problem is that I want to go to two schools, one a public school where there is a so-called special class if you're able to pass the special exam test. Two, a private school where my brother, sister, and aunts went to when they were in high school. I heard that in this school that the teachers who teach here are very good and has their own Rondalla band.

Rondalla is like a group of stringed instruments played with the plectrum or pick and generally known as plectrum instruments.

My brother and sister joined this band because they said that it was very fun. My brother played the guitar while my sister played the bandurria (a 12 stringed instrument).

I was thinking that if I should join that band, I should play the violin-----but I don't actually have a violin so you could say that I've been saving for a long time to buy one.

Just like the special class exam, this private school also has an entrance examination test.

"Can't you believe that we're graduating today." grinned Georgia as she sat eagerly from her seat.

Come to think of it, Georgia was thinking of foing to that private school that I mentioned earlier.

While Popuri'll go to the public school, together with Karen and the others.

Two of my best friends'll be going to two different schools and as for me, I'll just let fate take the wheel and drive me to my destined path.

"Yeah me too." I said as I look down on my uniform.

Ever since I was transferred to this school, I never liked the uniform. It's too dull and plain for my liking. But today I realized that many things has happened in this school. Happy, sad, crazy, and fun memories that I'll be having trouble forgetting them.

Many of the students paid no attention to the long speech, unless the speaker suddenly said an unexpected joke that made the listeners laugh while the others just went with the flow and later ask what was the joke.

But for me, my attention was somewhere else for no apparent reason. My vision was from side to side, seeking something, like I have no control over myself on why am I doing this.

Where is he? I asked myself.

After the long speech, it's finally the awarding time. One by one, they announce the names of the validictorian, salutatorian, honorables, and the achievers as they walk up on the stage and be awarded with a medal and a certificate.

"... Our 16th honorable, Jeanne Valdez."

Slowly, I walked up to the stage, shook some hands, recieved my medal and certificate, took a picture, and finally walked down the stage and returned to my seat.

One after the other they pronounced every name of the graduatees. And then, there he is..

Walking up the stage with that unforgettable smile, recieved his medal and certifcate, shook some hands, took a picture while holding his certificate, and finally walking down the stage as my eyes just followed him, not leaving him for even a minute till------

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