Chapter 10: Captured

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Few months has passed since the District Competition and a lot has happened.

Exams are coming.

I hardly watched anime these past few days. Well, not hardly but----yeah.

And most importantly, the regionals.

Me, Karen, Sasha, Nadie, Elise, and Derik went to the regionals 2 months after the District. And i lost due to some mistake that i made that time. And i don't want to talk about that big mistake that i did. Anyways, Elise is the only one moving forward to the nationals. But during that time, we had fun for the past three days.

Me and Gray hardly text to each other after the District Competition. But lately, i've been eyeing on him every flag ceremony. Dunno why but i felt like it. Which is very weird.

And as always, I hang around with Georgia and Popuri. Georgia's being herself as always, One Direction here and One Direction that. It was normal now adays.

There's only 2 weeks left till we graduate junior high and my class decided that we should open booths, more like School Festival. So we started to work, and eventually, our principal approves.

We had Jail Booth, Horror, Wedding, Café, and many more.

I was handling the Wedding booth that time to act as a guard on our door so that not many people are watching from the inside. I was with Angela and few of my classmate handling the Wedding booth. Not to mention Matie. She might be from the other section but she volunteered to be the priest. She even had this getup that she almost looks like a priestess.

We chose our classroom to be our wedding booth and our advisor approves it. We arranged the chairs by the corners. Then we placed a cross of Jesus on our teacher's table and also candles and fake flowers in a vase to make it as our altar. We even decorated the whole room, we put a short white carpet at the center of the room that leads towards the altar, some fake flowers in a vase by the altar, white curtains for our windows, and a lettering on the blackboard saying "Wedding Booth".

Then the unexpected happened.

While i was guarding the door, let's say i lost my focus on the door and decided to watch the wedding. It was one of my classmate and another guy from another section.

You see kids, in our wedding booth our ring is more of a sting that one of the people handling the booth ties it on the finger of bride and of the groom.

Don't ask why it's a string cause we have low budget on buying stuff.

Other than that, after the wedding, the priestess hands a menu for the bride and groom to choose on how to they'll finish the wedding and they have to pay for it. Why? Well here's your answer:

Kiss on the lips- FREE
Kiss on the forehead- $5
Kiss on the cheeks-$10
Kiss on the hand-$25
No kiss-$50

Yeah, it's a bit price-y here and there but we have to put the charges to earn money. And at least the cheapest one is kiss on the lips.

Anyways, while i was watching them, i remember that i was suppose to guard the door of the booth. So by the time that i look over at the door, it was opened and a familiar figure is outside peeking at the wedding by the door. And it was Gray.

I don't know if he noticed me or anything but he was watching the wedding. And when i saw him, i slam the door shut infront of his face. And after that, i decided to go by the window and take in a deep breath.

I may seem cold but my friends love me for it. Or not.

I overheard Angela talking to one of my classmate as i walk towards the window to open it to let some fresh air in in this room cause it starts to smell like stress in here. Wait, does stress has smell? Anyways, I thought it was nothing till i heard my name.

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