Part 27: Skin

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Angeline stared up at the clouds in shock as a numbness spread over her. It was too sudden for fear. How could she have been so careless?

Three thoughts occurred to her in quick succession:

First, that facing the sky, at least she wouldn't see the ground coming.

Second, that facing the sky, she couldn't see the beautiful planet below one last time.

Third, as she squeezed her eyes shut, that maybe she didn't deserve to see it. Her hair whipped around her face and she clutched the Sunstone to her chest, praying to the stars that it would be instant.

A body collided with hers and she opened her eyes in shock to see a glimpse of crimson hair as a strong arm pulled her close. Relief washed over her.

"Hold onto me!" Shay cried above the sound of the wind. She wrapped one arm around his neck as he whistled.

Kyte dove from above them and he grabbed onto her leg with his right arm as they swooped safely down. He let go as his feet met the ground and leaned back to meet Angeline's eyes.

"You alright?" he asked.

She nodded, captivated by the luminous scarlet hues in his iris. "Thank you," she said quietly, still holding on to him. Her gaze drifted to his lips.

"I'm starting to think have a death wish," he replied, pushing her back by her waist. "If that's the case, there are much quicker and easier ways to go about it."

"No, I-I don't—"

"Three times," he interrupted. "Three times I saved your life today, all because of choices you made. Consciously, I might add, though I can't say you put a single thought into any of them."

"It was an accident," she defended, clutching the Sunstone self-consciously to her chest.

"An accident? You dove sideways off Kyte's back in midair to catch a rock."

"I was trying not to drop it."

"At the cost of your own life?" he asked. "I can replace a Sunstone, easy. But you?" He gestured at her. "I'm not all powerful, Angel. I can't bring you back to life if you get yourself killed." He offered his hand and took the Sunstone from her. "Come on. I'll carry this back for you, but I lost my bloody cloak again diving after you, so you're going to have to deliver it alone."

She looked at him in shock. "In this?" she asked, gesturing to his shirt.

He shrugged. "You're welcome to change first. Though, I think it looks nice on you."

"That's because I'm not wearing anything else," she quipped, crossing her arms to ignore her blush.

"Taking shots at me?" he laughed. "I've seen a lot more than a nice pair of legs before. Have you even kissed anyone?"

"Of course I've kissed someone," she answered irritably.

"Family doesn't count."

"I don't have a family."

"You know what I meant," he said, crossing his arms at her with a patronizing air. He looked her down and back up with a knowing gaze, as though he could see straight through the shirt and into her soul.

She set her jaw and grabbed his face in her hands, standing on her toes to press her lips against his.

He pushed her back with a look of shock, and they both stood staring at each other for several seconds.

"I'm sorr—"

"I'm not—"

They spoke in unison, then went quiet again.

"Go ahead," said Angeline, looking down to avoid his gaze as her heart tumbled around in her ribs. Had she really just kissed him?

"You're human," he stated. "And I'm— I'm not. I can't be with you like that."

"Obviously." She rolled her eyes, focusing on her breath as she pushed down the stinging in her chest. "You don't have to get dramatic. It was just a kiss," she said, turning to walk toward the village. "You were trying to insult me about it without even checking if I knew how. I just wanted to show you it's not hard. Plus, now I can say confidently that I have kissed someone."

"Angel," he said, grabbing her arm.

She turned back to find his mouth against hers, kissing her gently. His lips were soft and warm, like the rest of him. For a moment she could swear she was floating. She pushed him away, giving him a confused stare.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, looking down. "I-I shouldn't have done that."

"Yeah." She turned away and kept walking, crossing her arms over her chest. What kind of game was he playing? To say he couldn't be with her and then kiss her so sweetly—

"I loved her," he said.

She paused, looking back at him with a frown. "What?"

"Tam. I— I loved her. When I became a Guardian, I wanted her to join me, but... Marius refused. She came to Serenia to be with me. I watched her wither and hate herself as she aged without me. I would've done anything for her, but she— she couldn't even look at me, toward the end. I was a constant reminder of her own mortality. She left when she turned fifty. I never saw her again."

Her heart went out to him. "I'm sorry," she said softly.

"I can't put someone through that again, and I— I can't put myself through it, either. I can't love you, Angel. Not in the way you deserve."

She nodded, wrestling down the disappointment in her throat. "Okay." Tears stung her eyes and she turned for the village again to hide them. As long as she tempered her emotions, he seemed unable to tell what she was feeling. It was the same as wearing a ComWatch.

He followed her in silence until they reached the border fence. "Are you alright?" he asked.

She rolled her eyes. "I've been rejected before. You don't have to make a big deal out of it," she said irritably as she climbed over the fence outside her house. "I'm fine."

He passed her Sunstone with a piteous look that made her want to slap him. She opened her back door and set it on her counter, turning to look for an outfit to change into.

"You can keep the shirt," he called.

Something about the way he said it — as though he were doing her a favor, dug deep under her skin. Did he think she was so attached that she needed a lousy shirt to remind her of him?

"No, it's fine," she said as she stepped back outside. She pulled it over her head and rolled it up, handing it to him with a wry grin. "Wouldn't want you to have to come back."

His mouth hung partway open and his eyes were wide, focused on her exposed skin.

"Have a good night, Shay," she said, leaving him speechless as she shut the door behind her.

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