Part 35: Grow

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The weight of Aster's request sat heavy on Angeline's heart. She was still mad at Shay, but to mislead him into helping the others off the planet? Knowing they could potentially endanger Serenia didn't sit right with her.

But how could she abandon the people she'd stranded?

On the other hand, maybe helping them escape was the way to go. Hadn't Shay warned her that one of the Guardians hated humans, and wanted to kill them all? If the Guardians truly couldn't get off the planet, she'd be saving the others by helping them escape.

The humans and Guardians alike would want to kill her for her treachery, but it was better than returning to Midelian. Besides, it was her fault the others were in danger in the first place. It was only fitting.

Shay would never forgive her if he found out. She hadn't seen him all day, and she had begun to wonder if he was alright. Was he still sitting alone in the cove?

He needed time and food, he'd said. It wouldn't hurt to check on him and bring him something to eat, she reasoned.

"Can I help with dinner?" she asked Marita. "I'd like to take an extra plate, for a friend."

"It's ready, but there is plenty extra. Help yourself," Marita replied.

There was a dish of cooked vegetables, fried mushrooms, and freshly baked bread. Angeline began to pack a basket with two helpings of each, glancing at Marita. "Can I ask you a strange question?"

"What's on your mind?"

She hesitated, suddenly worried about the answer. "How long does it take for flowers to grow?"

Marita frowned in thought. "Well, it depends on the flower. Some will grow in a few weeks. Others can take several months."

Angeline swallowed as a lump rose in her throat. "Thank you. I'll be back in a little while." She carried the basket through the forest to the cove, struggling to control her emotions.

Months? Had he really been there for that long, alone, just watching flowers grow? All that time, just to see her smile?

And she hadn't even given him that.

She had left him there, weak and alone, without even thinking to check on him again. Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked them away.

She entered the cove to find it empty. "Shay?" she called.

No response.

Even in the fading sunlight, she could see a subtle glow from several of the flowers. They would be just as magnificent in the dark, she knew.

She sat down beside the water and unpacked some of the food she'd brought, taking a few bites as the sky turned green and the stars began to show.

The forest was unsafe at dark, but she had hoped that Shay would be there to walk her back. She waited until the light was almost gone, and then gave up and began the walk alone.

At least he was okay. If he had left, he must have regained enough strength to move — or maybe one of the other Guardians had found him.

The forest was different in the low light. The crimson trees looked black, and the flowers glowed different in the dark. Still, she knew her way back by heart.

She picked up her pace as the last bit of sunlight began to fade. Being caught in the dark by LightWalkers wasn't going to help anyone.

Was it always this far? Fear's vise grip was slowly crawling up her chest to her throat. Panic wouldn't help, she knew. But there it was, an uninvited guest at the worst time.

She took a deep breath, forcing it back down. Just like Charlotte's training.

As she looked up, her eyes locked onto a single yellow one in the tree ahead of her. She froze.


Shay had said they were afraid of loud noises, right?

She shouted and clapped her hands together the way she'd seen him do it, watching in relief as it jumped from the tree and scurried off into the forest.

From a short distance behind her, there was the sound of leaves rustling. Her blood ran cold as she heard a low, throaty growl. The village wasn't much farther, right? The fence would deter the LightWalkers.

Without daring to look behind her, she took off at a full sprint.

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