Part 51: Swear

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Angeline stared in horror at the chewed up berries and half-digested Zumtaya fruit on the floor. It had to be a mistake.

She looked over her shoulder at Shay, who was standing beside the bed with his face white as a ghost.

"Tell me it's his," he said, meeting her eyes with fear.

"I— I don't know," she admitted.

"How long since you've been sleeping with him?"

"Um..." she winced. "I-I don't know. Two weeks?"

He nodded as a bit of color returned to his cheeks. "Okay. Good. That's long enough for... symptoms." He swallowed. "You did eat the berries, right? After we—"

"Yes," she insisted, and he sat down with a pensive look.

"Okay. Then it's his."

"What would happen if it wasn't?" she asked warily.

"Then I would advise you to not tell a soul, including me. Marius would kill you and the baby."

"What would a half-Guardian baby even look like? I mean— would it be immortal and have powers like you?"

He gave her a concerned look.

"I'm just curious," she assured.

"I haven't the faintest idea," he replied. "There's never been one. There was Marius and Krin's son, but they were both Guardians when he was conceived. According to the others, he grew up like normal — aside from the powers, of course — and stopped aging when he was around twenty." He stood up again, pacing the room. "There is another option," he offered. "I could ask Kita for a new plant, something to... end it."

"No!" she cried, moving her hand over her stomach. Her own defensiveness surprised her. She hadn't even known about the pregnancy until a few short moments ago, but the idea of having it taken from her was already unbearable.

"Just to be safe," he reassured. "You'll still be able to try again if you want."

She shook her head adamantly. "No."

"Angel, if there's any chance that it's mine—"

"It's his," she interrupted.

"I want to believe you," he began.

She stood up, holding the sheet over her chest and glaring at him as she steadied her breath. It was just like tricking a ComWatch. All she had to do was convince herself she was telling the truth. "It's his," she said firmly.

"Swear it," he challenged.

She hesitated. Deep down, she was still unsure — but that knowledge would only serve to get her killed. "I swear," she insisted. A single glimmer of guilt formed in her chest, but she smothered it immediately.

"Okay." He nodded. "You do know, if you're lying—"

"I'm not." She grabbed a fresh shirt and put it on. "I have to go find my laundry," she said as she pulled on a skirt. "It's still in the forest somewhere."

"I'll get it," he offered. "Evidently you still can't spot a TreeHugger."

She rolled her eyes.

"Besides, you shouldn't be lifting heavy things while you're—" He winced and looked away.


"Nothing. I should go." He started for the back door.

"Shay," she reached for him and he flinched away.

"Don't," he said, crimson eyes fixed on the floor. "Aster doesn't deserve that. Not when you're carrying his child."

Tears filled her eyes. "So earlier, when you said you would always be here, and always love me? That was just bullshit?"

"Of course not," he said, finally meeting her gaze. "Angeline, I will always be here for you. I'll always love you, I meant that. But you're pregnant. If we're caught together, the others will never believe for a minute that the baby isn't mine. For your own sake, and for the baby, just... be with him."

"But I want you."

He smiled slightly, lowering his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Are you really doing this to me again?" she asked tearfully.

He chuckled in disbelief, looking at her again. "I don't think you quite comprehend how much Marius hates you. You are human, and therefore, by default you are wrong. Your very existence is an affront to him. He values your life less than that of an insect on the ground. You think I want this? If he is led to believe for even a second that you're carrying my child, regardless of whether or not it really is mine, he will not hesitate to kill both of you. Do you understand?"

"I've never even met him, but I have a hard time believing someone could truly be that heartless."

"He's done it before, to Takka. Marius slaughtered her in front of him. Slashed her open, and let her bleed. I— I don't think I could go on if that happened to you."

Her heart sank. "How could he do something so awful?"

"In his eyes, he was doing Takka favor. He thinks of humans as lower than vermin. To have a child with one would be an abomination, an unforgivable sin against the very planet that gives us life. That's why Kita created Night Berries in the first place, so that it wouldn't happen again." He took a step closer to her and brushed her cheek with his fingers. "I want nothing more than to be with you, but every second I'm around you, I'm putting you in danger."

She turned away as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I should be used to this by now."

"The last thing I want is to hurt you."

Her face twisted in anguish. "Just go, then. And don't come back."

He pressed his lips to her forehead and closed the door behind him.

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