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Everything comes for a precious price. For you, a simple nobody living off pay check by pay check, did not expect to find a legit angel face first on your small, not so great padio. Unconscious and clearly went through hell and back.

"Holy fucking hell this bitch is huge!" The mortal none believer was still in disbelief and shock, staring down with wide eyes of realization to see an actual angelic being, mumbling away to themselve quietly "Mother fucker is too big for my little ass couch.."

It was true. If this angel just turn slightly to the left, they will definitely fall off, face first into cold concrete flooring.

In fact, this angel was different from the various pictures and so called references for angels. This one was by far bigger and definitely taller than yourself, didn't look close to being human like with its lanky sharpe looking claws hands and its not so human face with long ass horns, even with those wings torn and bloody those looked like it belongs to an angel. Even the attire and halo.

From the fact that heaven may actually be real, it did not take long for the mortal to take action. This angel was injured and was literally bleeding liquid fucking gold. Searching endless for the first aid, to which you found stuck up in your closet of all places, run back to find the angel missing. About to panic in the corner of your eye, you spy a gold trail of blood coming from the couch towards the padio. Immediately finding the so-called injured angel slurring like a drunken sailor while shouting up at the sky, he was flapping his wings to which one proven to be in worse condition than the other wing.

"Lute!LUTE!!Fucking help me Lute! I swear to mother fucking God you better be on your fucking way bitch!!"

....this angel wasn't so holy it seems..

The moment was broken when the angel turn around, livid as fuck, just to pause upon being watched the whole time, mid hissy fit, by a mortal.

You smile off the awkwardness. "D-Did know angels could cuss, who knew, haha.." Not long show it the first aide kit, not sure what will happen next."You're bleeding bad, uh, want some help with that?"

It just stared at you. For a long time. Not long glanced towards its injured wing, the one reason he is bound to earth at the moment, glares at the mortal before him. First aide in hand.

He sighs "Fuck it. Why the fuck not?" to which move aside to let the angel through, soon the two became temporary roomates; One mortal the other an angel.

°•○•° Two days later°•○•°

"Fucking hell this shit is fucking good!" Adam, the angel that sure is hell not human, rushed into the kitchen the moment his mortal roommate finished cooking their lunch.

It was a simple turkey sandwich. Adam was devouring it like it is his last meal..

"I tossed in my grandmother's secret sauce recipe in there. Nothing special."

Adam, almost choking on his fourth sandwich, was absolutely taken back by your comment, "The fuck you mean it's nothing special?! I would fucking commit suicide for this shit!!"

That kinda concern you "Please don't." not long finish cutting up fruit for your bowl of oats, eager to return to your work life "If you need me, I'll be in my room-."

The moment you round the corner, warm bowl of oats and fruits in hand, stopped mid step due to a white angel wing blocking your way. Fully extended and with no way to go around or under it. Noticing it was Adam's not so injured wing, he still kept eating his turkey sandwiches; he was on his tenth on now.

"Adam, your wing is blocking m-."

"Huh?" He interrupts you, stopping to stare at your face first then descend downwards, then back up quickly, soon pulls back his wing to rest lazily next to his injured one, still eating away without a care in the world "Shit. That wing has been acting up lately, my fucking bad."

Believers Sinners [POLY!Adam X Reader X POLY!Lucifer]Where stories live. Discover now