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Adam was the most laziest person, or should you say angel, you have ever met. He complained that he was bored and wanted to do something fun. You told him that he could play with the fat cat you saved named Gary, help around with chores to which he makes everything a hassle to do, or just draw for the time being. All these options were set before him in a nice silver platter, yet he complains and calls his mortal roommate with a small business a lazy ass hoe.

"Dude. It's either that or sleep." Your goal was to finish your sixth blueberry goose stuffie, for an order of course, he was ruining your mood and soon ready to quit."It's only day four, Adam. Monday morning, too."

He didn't give a shit. Mother fucker was bored. He was to the point he might as well kill all your neighbors. You lived in a complexed small apartment complex filled with retired elderly folk. It is the cheapest and safest area around.

Adam glares down at your batch of Mango Kangaroos stuffies, picking up one to examine "Who would want to buy this shit? Fucking ugly and boring as fuck." He tossed that poor Kangaroo stuffie at the wall, soon falling onto the floor after impact.

Seeing this, you frowned "People in fact, do buy them. And it's a hobby that I enjoy doing." The small Kangaroo was set gently into the stack of its other Mango Kangaroo companions, safe from Adam himself. "Please leave them alone. That includes abusing them, like you did just now to that Mango Kangaroo there."

"Like if it feels pain." He snorts, looming over his mortal roommate that finishe off the last stuffie. He thought that one was ugly, too.

Setting it into the box with all the other orders, taped and labeled, return your full attention to the stubborn high ego angel. You were done with today, and now you could do other things.

"How is your wing?"

"Peachy." He snaps, showing that it was not fully stained with gold blood like the other few days, stretched out his other wing towards the ceiling. "Itchy as shit thanks to your awful cleaning job. Fucking prick."

He seemed to forgot what occurred when he acted up on you while fixing his wing the other day. Luckily, due to your long-lasting patience, decide to leave him be and not re-correct his mistake. Finding his wing in a better condition left the mortal to smile happily. A work in progress within little time. Not long glanced towards the time; it was, in fact, afternoon time.

"Oh? Well, I'm going to cook up lunch then. Anything you like to ea-?"

"Medium rare steak, garlic seasoned mash potatoes with onion chives on top WITH gravy, and might as well sautée some onions and mushrooms to top off the steak." Adam said that so quickly, as if he were back in heaven with many of his servants, kept thinking on to have with that meal."OH! And a margarita! Gotta have that for one fucking amazing meal!!"

That wasn't lunch. That was simply a full-on main course dinner meal. Bonus, you didn't have steak nor potatoes at the moment. You need to go shop for more things later on. Yet, you weren't making all that. Hell no.

Sighing, due to being the only one who does everything for two people, walks past Adam that drools over his dream meal. Once in the hallway, you slowly stripped off your large comfy jacket, set it on the jacket hanger near the front door, and then walked back to wash your hands before preparing your lunch.

You felt like cooking up some mini steak phillies. This would satisfy Adam cause it has some veggies in it but would swap the steak with bacon and chicken. Either way, it will turn out good.

By the time Adam stepped back into the living room, thinking of watching some TV as he waits, decides to bombard his mortal roommate. He just sat down at the bar, slouching over onto his clawed hand cheerily. He was going to be their the whole time.

Believers Sinners [POLY!Adam X Reader X POLY!Lucifer]Where stories live. Discover now