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"Bitch! My fucking wing isn't a mother fucking toy!"

His wing needed fresh bandage and clean up. It had only been three days and the once white bandage was drenched in freshly stained ichor. He was lucky enough that, with such a humongous wing he has, was able to find enough bandages to fully replace these dirty ones. His wing took up seven rolls. He only had three at the moment, and he was fussing up a bloody storm, the more you helped him the more pissy and fussy he gets.


"What now you snarky little bitch?" He barks back at you with sass, his alter ego beginning to show more, did not expect to find to his mortal roomates sudden personality change. The eyes spoke more than their face nor aura.

The mortal Adam knew for these three short past day was not the same no more. This mortal was once kind, klutzy, and introverted yet now? This was a menace in sheep's clothing. Yes. I said that right. Behind him was, not a wolf, but a damn right menace in sheep's clothing. It's like if he continued on talking with that all high and mighty ego of his this mortal would have shoved those left over rolls of bandage's down his throat, not caring if he chokes or possibly kill them in the process. The once (E/C) hues that carried life vanished and in it's stead was mere awakening of their chained up rage. Waiting for the perfect reason to kill Adam at any given second..

"You will sit perfectly still. Like a mother fucking statue Adam. If you so much as move a muscle, complain like the little cry baby bitch ass angel you fucking are, I will take this wing and shove it so far up your angelic ass. After that, I will leave you like this. Unfixed, unholy display." Those words seeped with venom and absolute truth, Adam himself wasn't even this afraid of Lute but this mortal instead, a single soft hand was gently set below his chin, forcing him to look directly at this mortals eyes, a side he never though this mortal had in them, smugly smirking at him exactly like he did to their ex for fun "Will you be a good angel for me? Yes or no?"

He was kept in one place. Adam stared deep into the endless void. For a few seconds, that felt like hours, gave in by nodding. Like hell he will say it.

The mortal smiles, wicked intent and satisfaction in them "Good boy.~" the moment Adam could move his head those eyes of life return; The mortal he knew for three little days was once again fixing his injured wing, humming a little joy tune to pass time.

And Adam sat there, on a tinny old stool, solid and unmoving like your other self requested. It seems this mortal was becoming a problem...

---Three hours later---

You did your best. You honestly really did. Adam wasn't near or close by as your running back home, a crappy dinky apartment with a angel who slurs inside. Soft pitter patters through endless puddles, the rain was welcoming as if it knew you were sad. Aiding you by hiding your sorrow filled tears. Today would have been a good day. It didn't end like you wished it to.

A bag full of yearn for newly pronounced projects in hand, from the brightest to darkest, was accidently dropped it. Failing into the harsh side walk the contents of that bag spilled out into public eye. The crashing pulsating pain shot through your exposed arm, bruised up and scratched a little, soon noticed two things on the road. One of the brightest and prettiest of yarns you bought rolled carelessly into the open vast road. A single bundle of yarn in replaceable only a yarn obsessed cat followed behind it. Various cars coming and going as they please. The cat meowing and hissing as it used it's flexibility and agility to come even closer to your yarn. A cat's life was not replaceable even when it's say so they have nine lives.

(Y/N) actions took control. Finding herself set in the most dangerous part of this very road, a fat orange cat in one arm as the other held the rouge ball of yarn, was stuck in place like a deer looking up at headlights; A semi truck ready to end your life, possibly send you into an isekai anime journey like many mangas you read.

If you do be revived, better be OP as fuck with badass character development...

Sadly it never happened. With both arms holding one alive and not so alive object, eyes glued to the headlights that continue to get brighter and larger every second, soon find yourself sweeped up off your feet. Like a princess. The one who swooped you up from death's way sets you safely back onto your feet without hesitation. The cat purrs as the man, short lanky man, gently pets and baby talks to the fat cat. This was a guy you never met and he saved your life, all he did was pay attention to the cute adorable fluff in your arms.

"Thank you."

The rain came down a tad harder. He heard your words to which, he was also soaking wet, finally face the man who saved you. His smile was wide and joyously sweet. Heavenly like the cute faded rosy cheeks on his face. What got your attention was not just his smile but his beautifully crimson eyes, a sparkle of gentleness and joy in them. He was a small man yet proved to be a good strong man in little to no time.

"I-I...Your welcome!" He fumbles with his words, unsure of what to say next, fix his eyes on a bag of spilt items, curiosity getting the better of him "Uh? That's a lot of yarn.."

Spying the bag, and sorta forgetting the weather itself, scurry over to save the yearn letting out a quick "Oh shit!" a couple times. The short man with held a snort at your short term panic.

Once done you find the man holding out an umbrella to you, he didn't have one on him earlier, to which hovers over your crouch form. That sweet smile never fades nor did his eyes that shown more gentleness in them. You have no clue if this was a trick yet believed that this was not. That this was real.

"I-I am so sorry. I forgot that I bought all this and-!"

"The important thing is that your safe, dear." the last word was softly said, not long extends a helping hand, gloved in black unlike his matching white hat and coat, his voice remains the same as before "My name is Lucifer. May I help you up, my lady?"

Two simple words was enough to set your cheeks ablaze. The color that simply matches the apple ornament carved into this man. no Lucifers, staff. With blood flushing into your face his hand was indeed taken. Once leveled you even realized the two of you were the exact high. Small fun sized people gang..

"Thank you once again. And, my name is (Y/N)." the little bow came out of nowhere, Lucifer blushes a little at the action, not able to see it once you stood up.

Fixing his golden locks back with one hand he looks away, like if something caught his eye, to not only face you again, he looked nervous and a tad hopeful "A pretty n-name for a gorgeous woman. If...If by the chance, like, I ask you out for soem coffee would you like to join me?Thatifyouwanttowhichhonestlyyourchoiceisalwaysvaildnomatterwhat!!"

Coffee? With the man who saved your life? Not only that he is sorta....cute..

"Like a date?"

Lucifer blushed became more apparent "D-Date?!" he wasn't upset, no quiet the opposite, soon covers his face out of embarrassment "I-If you want to put it like that, then yeah. A date.."

Lucifer didn't know you. He was lucky enough to fly right by you on the way back home to rule the underworld. In honesty, he was still a good guy just sent down because he loved to hard. A pare of warm soft lips pecked his red circled cheek, skin-to-skin contact in public eye under a umbrella, to which blushed a shade deeper at your laughter. Sweet and kindred.

"I love too. Will the coffee shop across the street do?"

The coffee shop wasn't the problem. He didn't even look at it, immediately agreeing. He just met you and he was falling hard for this mortal woman.

Again you laugh, smiling and blushing to which almost rivaled his "Great! I'll see you Tuesday of next week at 1:45 PM! Farwell!" you were excited, perhaps to excited, run off as he tried to off you his umbrella to take home. He would have called after you but chose not to, he stood there, still and soaked to the bone, watching as his soon-to-be date run happily away.

He sprout his wings, hidden away from public eye once again, sighs happily and dreamily to himself "(Y/N)...What a nice name." soon take flight, headed Hell wards. Most likely to perfect the best duckie toy ever.

Believers Sinners [POLY!Adam X Reader X POLY!Lucifer]Where stories live. Discover now