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Before we start......

You'll probably know me for my various xchild! reader fanfic, new and old, and there isn't much adult-rated stuff either.

This is something far from everything else..

Good luck, ya sinners, and well, forgive me..


Ethan stood by his words. He guided the drunk petty soul to his crappy apartment. Now, as he waits in his bedroom shirtless, planning out how to take what is rightfully his, his attention diverts to the purse his ex refused to leave behind. It was a small purse. It is not big enough to hold much or a self-defense weapon— a small puny purse.

He towers over it, tilting his head down in curiosity, to which he unclips the button, flipping it open and pouring out everything within the small purse. Seeing things he should and should not see.

Those green forest grey eyes full of evil intent dulled to overwhelming rage and jealousy "You little fucking slut!" he took hold of the small rubber duckie, innocent and cute, to only abuse it by throwing it at the wall than step on it.

His goal was to damage it. Ruin it. Destroy it far from repair.

Ethan abused the hell out of it. Yet no scratch nor smudge mark on it.

Perfect and adorable..

"You know what? Fuck you. Trash can you go mother fucker!" He did just that, tossed it in a metal tin can, to which begins setting up his bedroom for this pleasurable night.

He will take back what is rightly his. Even if it is wrong, he will do what must be done. Anything to keep you by his side. Tonight will be a good night. He will break you down into a proper girlfriend. For him. Only him.

°••○••°Meanwhile in Hell°••○••°

Lucifer was in deep trouble.

You see, like animals, even angelic beings have urges. Unheavenly sinful urges. At the moment, he was locked in his bedroom, trying to survive his seven year divorce heat, sweating and panting none stop for almost two whole days. Many times, in his mind, he would find himself remembering about his little date with (Y/N). It was only a day ago, and yet he never fell so hard for a woman. Far deeper than Lilith herself. Everything about you was driving him mad. Your smile, personality, curves, he was simply wrapped tightly around your little finger. Lucifer was deeply whipped and in love with you. All by accident and one little date.

No matter how many times he tried to relieve himself, quick to slow torturing strokes, it was never enough to satisfy the demon lurking within him; Begging to fuck and claim what is rightfully his.

And that was you.

He wanted you under him, nude and shivering in pleasure on his very bed, thighs spread wide as your legs try to pin his lower half closer to your wet silky treasure, moan upon moan as he traced, kissed, and massaged every inch of your humanly body. He wants every part of this mortal body to beg, cry, whimper, scream for him. To taste your short lived high, fingers deep curling and scissoring your velvet sensitive colored walls slowly, pleasuring his queen till not even his face was not enough to satisfy his woman's need. Tongue deep in heaven. Drunk in love and lust. He wanted all of it. To devour. To claim. Everything...

"Sir? One of Valentino's pupils are here, like you ordered." one of his many maides, one of the few who help raise Charlie after the break up, knock on the door softly.

Lucifer called Valentino to 'use' some of his best porn performers. Each returned safety only have trouble standing after the none stop fucking. Apparently, unlike demons or others here, angelic heavenly beings can fuck for hours on end. Lucifer's highest fuck record was thirty seven hours straight without a break. Heats for angels are not fun. Even worse for those who are apart of the fallen. With this knowledge it surprise him that Lilith and Eve survived that long. Mostly Lilith cause she was married to him before cutting all ties..

Believers Sinners [POLY!Adam X Reader X POLY!Lucifer]Where stories live. Discover now