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Adam was not pleased at your chosen outfit. It was a simply large chunky yellow cardigan, a turtle neck black long sleeve shirt, cozy blue jeans, and some cute pairs of shoes to walk in. This was nothing reveal, to his taste, yet grew furious that his 'protection charm' is hidden away under so many layers.

"Oh, there you are!~" the fat cat purrs, loving the head scratches and little kisses, to which made Adam kinda jealous of the animal "Be a good boy okay?~"

Adam snorts, still in angel form, rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms. "Like if that peice of shit can talk.."

You, who just found your bag and belongs, ignore his comment. The café was four blocks away. You can make it on foot. Slipping on some black fuzzy gloves, did you finally look back towards the grumpy angel. For some reason, it looked like he didn't want you to leave..


He didn't say anything back. What he did, though, was release a deep sigh, soon facing his roommate with soft, tired eyes. For once, he didn't look so mean looking.

"Take care of Gary for me. And yourself too while I'm gone. Okay?"

He didn't snap nor say much. All he did was nod his head. Slouching against the wall as if this was all going  according to plan.

From there you left. Rushing towards the café.






Think I was going to do a time skip?

This soon??

Nah. Not my plan. Got no time for that.

Meanwhile, in the café, sat the king of hell. He wore what he thought would be considered nice. A simple dark academy core outfit. He sat there at the table, once in a while glancing around nervously, to which his fingers fiddled with the small box silky bloody crimson ribbon. He made you a gift. Tucked away in a small black box.

This wasn't his idea of swooping in to be here once again for a date. Human dating. It really takes him back to when he fell in love with Lilith, the first woman of human kind and wife of Adam. Love at first sight to only be sent to hell, raise an emperor together, bring in new life from their unbreakable love, just to mess it all up and become a divorced king of hell. It hurts him to break all contact with her too. He made so many rubber duckies, becoming obsessed after hooking up with Eve for four months straight after, to which he was unsure this will turn out well. He entirely admits that she is pretty and seemed like a good person...

So much was going on within his head, and with time ticking away, he was dead on worried you stood him up.

"Your Chai tea with honey. Is there anything else you need sir?"

"N-NO!Ah...yeah. N-Not right now." He spooked the poor waiter, soon taking the nearest spoon to mix in the honey with his chai tea "Thank you."

The waiter decided to leave. Leaving the nervous wreck by himself....

Then there you were, a mess, running in to sit across the king of hell "I'm so sorry I'm late!" he dismissed your apology for he was falling in love ten times more, your simple outfit made you look beautiful in his eyes.

Lucifer smiles a tad wider "Don't worry about that love. How about we get your order in yes?" he was becoming slightly calmer after your arrival and this time, the first time, he witness the creeping blush on your face after saying 'love'.

From there the two chit chat from time to time. The same waiter from before delivers you drink and some small appetizers. Lucifer remains silent and simply adored everything you speak about. Your childhood, family, the cat from earlier, and mentioned your lovely small business set up at some small crappy apartment. The more you spoke, the more he falls. Many times he considered to inform you about who he really is, he really thought about it, yet chose not to. Either way he mention things like his work life as a contractor which is kinda true, his dear lovely beautiful Charlie, a cat he owns too, and his obsession with ducks. So much time was spent talking about ducks..

Believers Sinners [POLY!Adam X Reader X POLY!Lucifer]Where stories live. Discover now