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Gabriella's POV

I was in the car driving with my parents to our new house we just bought in Los Angeles. We had just moved here from Omaha, Nebraska because of my dad's job. Let me tell you. It was extremely hard leaving all of my amazing friends. Except for one. Nicole. My absolute best friend. Her dad actually has the same job as mine. So they had to move out to LA as well. But I'm starting to get used to it. It's summer vacation for the schools here in LA. So I'm basically free to do whatever I want for the next week. Yes we need to go to school next week and I'm really not looking forward to it.

We finally arrived at our new house. It was so beautiful. I was actually excited to move LA because that was where Jack Gilinsky lived. Jack was my absolute idol. I loved him so much. It was always my dream to meet him and go to one of his and Jack Johnson's concerts. I've been saving up to go for a few months now. Hopefully I'll be able to score tickets to a show in LA, or at least around LA.

My dad got out of the car and pulled out a key from his shirt pocket. He unlocked the front door. Inside our new house it looked amazing night. It seemed like what was my dream house.

"Why don't you go upstairs and pick out your room sweetie?" My mom suggested. I nodded.

I turned to my right and saw a swirly stair case. I skipped upstairs and saw four bedrooms. The door on the right was the first one I peeked into. I liked the size of the room but I was hoping to have a bathroom in my room.

I went over to the bedroom across from the previous one to see that again, no bathroom. Plus it was kinda small. My clothes wouldn't fit in that closet. The next door I passed by seemed like the master. Obviously I wanted that room, but I was sure to leave it for my parents. There was one room left. This better be a good one. I twisted the door knob and peeked in. Instantly I knew this was the right room.

There was a nice size walk in closet, a full bathroom with a bath tub, and enough space in the actual room to fit the furniture that would be put in.

"Gabby! Did you pick which room you wanted?" I could hear my dad shout from downstairs.

"Yeah I did! Don't worry, I didn't pick the master!" I shouted back with a little laugh.

"The truck with all the furniture should be here soon. I don't think you wanna be here when they are here so why don't you go to the mall or something." My mom said standing by the door of the room.

"Alright mom." I answered her.

I grabbed my purse and headed out. I drove to the nearest mall which was about 15 minutes away. I parked my car in front of Macy's then walked in. When I got inside the mall, I wanted to go to Forever 21. Because I've never been here before, I was totally lost. I walked up and down the mall. This was getting annoying. How hard can it be to find a freaking store!? I decide to go down the escalator. I look to the right of me to see a familiar guy, wearing a black hoodie going up the other escalator. I take a closer look at him. He turned his head and our eyes met. At that moment I realized that it was Jack Gilinsky with Sammy Wilk.

You don't know how much I wanted to freak out on the spot but I held it in. I didn't want to seem like a total weirdo in front of him. All I did was smile. And he smiled back! Oh my god. Jack Gilinsky smiled at me... and made eye contact with me!! This all happened in a matter of seconds. Next thing I know, I'm on the bottom floor. I knew I had to go find Jack again and get a picture. He was my favorite singer. Of course I'm going to go get a picture.

I ran up the "Up" escalator but couldn't find him when I got there. I began walking to my right. I looked down on the bottom floor and saw him. Why was he on that floor when he was just going up? I kept walking then looked back down and saw that he was gone. Great. Now I'm probably never going to find him. I could even find Forever 21 for crying out loud!

It was around 6:00 when I decided to just head back home. I tried looking for Jack and Sammy but I couldn't even find them again. I just blew my chance at meeting Jack Gilinsky.


Today was my 18th Birthday. I woke up in the morning at around 10:30 in the. I got out of bed and changed into a Calvin Klein sports bra and a pair of yoga pants. My long brown hair was thrown into a bun then I went online to check Twitter. My phone was being blown up with a bunch of tweets and texts from old friends back in Omaha.

The first thing I did was obviously went straight to Gilinsky's Twitter page and I couldn't believe what I saw him tweet.

"@jackgilinsky: I saw a girl at the mall yesterday on the escalator. Im still wondering what her name is."

My mouth dropped. What if that girl was me?
I smiled just at the thought of it.

"Gabriella?" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Come down here please!"

"I'll be right there!" I smiled thinking about Jack.

I put on my Jack and Jack t shirt then headed downstairs to the kitchen where my parents were.

Right when I got there, they both yelled "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you mom. Thank you dad." I smiled and gave them a big hug.

"I cannot believe my baby is 18" my dad said giving me a kiss on the head.

"Well you better believe it." I laughed.

"We have a surprise for you." my mom smirked.

I smiled. I love surprises.

"You know how you're ALWAYS talking about going to see Jack and Jack in concert?"

After that sentence my smiled grew bigger.

"We got you tickets for their show this weekend in Hollywood!" My dad finished and handed me two tickets to see Jack and Jack.

I started smiling like an idiot now.

"Oh my God! Thank you guys so much!" I said giving my awesome parents a huge hugs and kisses.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" My mom smiled.

"Who are you going to take with you?" My dad asked me.

"Probably Nicole." I answered. Nicole has been my best friend since first grade. We met in Omaha at this private school. I was taking her with me to the concert because she is actually in love with Jack Johnson.

"I'm gonna go give her a call.", I began walking upstairs, "Thank you so much again!"

The ringer rang twice before she answered her phone.

"What's up birthday girl?" I heard her voice say.

"Oh ya know. The usual. Freaking out because I got tickets to see JACK AND JACK this weekend!" I squealed.

"Oh my god! No way!"

"Yes way!"

"You're taking a friend right?" She asked.

"Nope" I tried scaring her. There was a small moment of silence before I said, "JUST KIDDING. I'm obviously bringing you!"

"Aw you're the best!"

"I know I am. So are you ready to see Jack and Jack!?"

"Hell Yeah I am!"

"Great! I'll pick you up at 4:30 Saturday. The show starts at 7. It takes about 45 minutes to get there. I wanna get in line quick so maybe we can see them walking into the building." I explained.

"Okay. I'll see you then. Happy birthday again!"

"Thank you." With that we hung up.

I cannot believe I'm going to see Jack Gilinsky in concert.


hello (: im back with a new book! here's chapter one. kinda boring right now but i promise it'll get more exciting in the next chapter. I hope you guys liked it ! if you did please vote :P thank you guys for reading, it means a lot <3

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