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*3 Months Later*

It's finally Spring Break. I'm so ready to almost finally graduate high school.

Jack and I have been dating for a while now. I'm really falling in love with him. Well, I've always loved him. I've been a fan of his for the longest time. But now.. it's a different love.

Anyways, today I'm going to Puerto Rico with some of the guys and girls. All of us have gotten really close and their my best friends. I can honestly trust them with anything.

I'm not going with Jack because he's gonna be busy. I'm gonna miss him so much. I won't be able to see him for a week. That fool better call me every day.

We were all about to leave to head to the airport so I ran to Jack and gave him the biggest hug.

"I'm gonna miss you baby." He whispered into my ear.

"I'll miss you too Jack." I pulled away from the hug and kissed him.

We were interrupted by Nash, "You guys.. you're not seeing each other for a week. It's not like it's gonna be a whole year"

i giggled then gave Jack one quick kiss on the cheek then hopped into the car.

*skip to when they are in Puerto Rico*

Puerto Rico is amazing. It's like nothing I've ever seen. We've been going out a lot lately and I've been having so much fun with everyone.

We're staying in this gorgeous house and we have our own chefs too. Today we're going zip lining up near the mountains.

When I woke up, I hung out with Taylor and Stass by the pool. It was just us since we were the only ones up.

"So Taylor. What's going on with you and Nash?" I smirked.

She wouldn't give me a straight up answer. I shook my head and just laughed at her.

We were just relaxing and everything was so peaceful until Sammy and Kenny started to jump from the high staircase into the pool. Idiots. They got us all wet and I was not planning on getting my hair wet.

"Sammy!!" I squeaked.

"Sorry Gab." He laughed.

"You guys if we don't leave now, we're gonna be late for zip lining." said Hayes, the only one acting mature at the moment.

We all got out and cleaned ourselves up before going to the zip line company.


When we got to the company, I stepped out of the car and something immediately caught my eye. I spotted a very attractive guy who was well built and had the nicest arms and prettiest eyes.

Snap out of it Gab. You're dating a hot ass guy who happens to be Jack Gilinsky.

I couldn't stop looking at the guy. He was one of the workers at this place and I was actually hoping he would be the one guiding me through this zip line thing. To my luck he was.

He smiled at me and told me to come over to him.

"What's your name?" His sexy voice asked me. Ugh. No. I have a boyfriend.

"Gabriella." I smiled.

"I'm Ethan." He looked up at me as he was putting my harness on, "I will be your guide today."

"Sounds great." I said.

All of us and our guides were eventually split up into small groups. I was with Stass and Her tour guide, Caleb, and of course Ethan.

Caleb drove us to our first zip line which was up at the top of this gorgeous mountain. On the way there Stass whispered in my ear, "Ethan's hot." I sighed at her comment.

I pulled her in and whispered back, "I know. But I'm dating Jack."

We both laughed.

"Alright girls. We're here." Ethan gave us a nice smile and helped me out of the jeep.

Ethan was explaining to me about the zip line and that we were going to be hooked up together and go across. He hooked our harnesses to the line and he held out his hand for me to grab.

"Don't worry. As long as you're with me, you're safe." He softly said.

I took a deep breath then grabbed his hand. He had a tight grip around my waist and my arm was around his neck. We took off on the line.

God the view was gorgeous. I couldn't even believe my eyes. I turned around to see Stassie taking a bunch of pictures of us going down the zip line. Ethan and I smiled for the camera.

When that line was finished, I saw Caleb and Stass doing the same thing we had done.

By the end of the day we had gone through 9 different zip lines. I had an amazing time. It was insane.

I was walking back to the company building with Ethan after our little adventure.

"So where are you from?" He asked me.

"I was born in Omaha Nebraska, but now I live in LA. What about you?"

"I also live in LA." he smirked.

"Then what are you doing here working in Puerto Rico?" I laughed.

"Well I've been here visiting for a month now with my brother. It's my last week here. So I decided to get a job here. I love zip lining so why not?"

"That's pretty dope."

"Yeah...So how long have you been here?"

"Just got here yesterday. My friends and I are here for this app, Challenged. We travel a lot."

"Nice! Hey I know my way around here pretty well. Why don't we hang out somewhere? We can go to the beach...go out to dinner?"

"I would really love to, but I have a boyfriend." I sighed.

"Aw c'mon. I just wanna get to know you better. Just as friends." He smiled again and that's what got to me. I couldn't say "no" to him.

"Okay." I looked up into his eyes.

"Sweet! Why don't I get your number and I'll text you later?"

"Sure". I added my number into his contacts and said goodbye.

Something about this seemed so right but so wrong. The thought of Jack was in my head. I felt somewhat guilty but it's not like i kissed the guy right?


Yes. Ethan is referring to Ethan Dolan. I know he's only like 15 but in this book he's 19. Deal with it lmao. Hope you're enjoying so far. There's gonna be drama in the next chapter ! Vote and comment! love you guys

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