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Gabriella's POV

Jack Gilinsky AND Jack Johnson walked out of the door. I turned around and looked at Nicole and we just started smiling like crazy. I turned back around and Jack Gilinsky bumped into me. Okay this is when I started getting a shit ton of butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh hey. I'm so sor- Wait, I know you from somewhere." He said to me looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, we met, well didn't meet. We saw each other at the mall." Surprisingly that came out really calm.

"That's it! I was trying to look for you that day."

"Why were you looking for me?" I gave him a confused look.

"Because I saw you on the escalator and I thought you were gorgeous."

I blushed, "Thank you".

"What's your name?"

"Gabriella Cruiz, but you can just call me Gabby ."

"I'm Jack."

"Yeah I know." I smiled.

"You're a fan?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm here."

Nicole's POV

I saw Jack and Gabby just totally flirting. Well it looked like they were. I giggled at the sight of it and next thing I know Jack Johnson is already coming over here. I quietly and quickly calmed myself down before he approached me.

"Hey. What's your name beautiful?" He asked me making me become red.

"I'm Nicole." I answered his question.

Gilinsky and Gabby came walking over to us.

"Hey do you guys wanna come backstage with us? We can hang out a bit before the show." Gilinsky asked Gab and I.

I turned to Gabby and we both nodded.

Gabby's POV

I honestly can't believe I'm talking to Jack freaking Gilinsky. What is life right now? And he called me gorgeous! Holy shit. Now I'm coming backstage with the Jacks?! I'm really living in "Paradise" right now.

Jack grabbed my hand and led me backstage with Nicole and Johnson following us.

He sat down on a chair and pulled me on his lap.

"You know I could of just sat on the chair next to you." I giggled.

"Yeah but I like you here better." He winked at me.

"I need to put this on snapchat." I said pulling out my phone.

I opened up the app and Jack and I took a picture.

"Aw we're cute." He smiled.

I posted it to my story with the caption: "Look who I'm with."

"Let me see this." Jack took my phone out of my hand. I looked at what he was doing and he just started taking a bunch of selfies on my phone. Why does everyone do this? But hey, it's Jack Gilinsky, I'm not complaining this time. After taking a bunch of selfies, Jack opened up to my contacts and added his number into my phone. Oh my god. I now have Jack Gilinsky's number...

"Now can I see your phone?" I asked him.

"Sure babe." He winked at me again.

Did he just call me babe?! I felt my cheeks get hot.

He took his phone out of his back pocket and handed it to me.

I went on his snapchat and we took the cutest selfie of him giving me a kiss on the cheek. You honestly don't know how much I was freaking out by now.

I posted it to his story then went into his contacts and added in my phone number.

"You should text me sometime after the show." I said to him.

"I will." He stared into my eyes and I stared back. God he was so cute.

I looked at the time and it was already 6:30.

"Hey it's almost show time. You guys better get going." I said getting off Jacks lap.

"Where are your guys' seats?" Jack Johnson came over to us with Nicole next to him.

"Kinda far but as long as we get to see you guys perform I'm happy." Nicole hugged Johnson.

"C'mon we'll get you guys some front row seats." Gilinsky winked at us.

Nicole and I looked at each other and squealed. The Jacks let us to our new seats. They were literally right in front of the stage. This is honestly a dream come true right now.

Minutes later, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I looked at my notifications and saw I had a ton of snaps from my friends. I opened a few of them. They were all stuff saying: "No way you're with Jack?!" or "Wtf! How?!" I laughed and just responded by taking a picture of the stage. My phone started blowing up with notifications from Twitter. A whole bunch of random Jack and Jack fans were totally trashing me. Apparently the picture Jack and I took was posted to his Twitter and all these girls found my Twitter account.


"GROOVE!" Nicole and I were totally going crazy tonight. We were dancing up and down and just having the time of our lives. This is seriously what we have dreamed about for the longest time.

"Everybody please welcome Sammy Wilk!" JJ (I know he doesnt like being called that but whatever lol) shouted through the mic.

All the girls started screaming when Sammy walked out... so did I. He performed his new song "Aye Ma".

"Aye Ma you lookin real nice". This song made always gave me the feels and I don't know why.

I was having the most amazing time. I don't think it could get any better. Well apparently I thought wrong. Skate came out as well. There were so many loud screams throughout the crowd of girls. The Jacks came out too and they all performed "Like That".

"You so cute girl yeah you is a blessing. And I'm the reason that your boyfriend keep flexin."

At that part their shirts were all off. I swear I was deaf from all the high pitched screams. But I'll admit it too. I probably made some people around me deaf.

Sammy came out again and him and Skate started performing "Nothin to A King" then "Where Art Thou".

"It ain't nothin to a king, I just do this shit forreal."

After that song, Gilinsky came out and started doing a cover to "Slow Motion" by Trey Songz. God it was sexy. He was doing these hot ass body rolls. I was honestly going crazy. He came to the edge of the stage, looked me in the eyes and held my hand, "I just wanna see you dance in slow motion".

I smiled like an idiot. Nicole was cheering for me the whole time this happened.

The Jacks sang a couple more songs and so did Skate and Sammy. The final song they performed was "Wild Life". Let me tell you, everyone in the building was going crazy. Everyone was dancing up and down and singing along.


Sadly that song ended. Since Nicole and I got bad ass seats, in the front row, we had to wait until everyone in the audience left the building.

Once they were all out, we were literally the last people to leave. We started walking towards the front door smiling at the amazing time we had tonight. I smiled even bigger at the thought that I have Jack Gilinsky's number. This was honestly the best night ever.


hello (: sorry this was kind of a filler chapter. ya know. just the concert. I wanna go to a Jack & Jack concert so bad you don't even know lmao. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it actually. please vote & comment ideas for the book. it would be reallyyy helpful. thank you so much for reading <3


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