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*Isabella's p.o.v*

T is that really you? I thought. My eyes widened once I saw her. It's really her. I haven't seen her in awhile. It's nice to see a familiar face again. I smiled listening to my thoughts. I ran over to her and I give her the biggest hug.

Me: I missed you T *I smiled when I let go*

Tamara: *turns around and looks at me* I missed you too Bella

Me: Where have you been this whole time? I've been looking for you everywhere

Tamara: You know here and there

Me: Wait did you steal this car??

Tamara: Yeah which might've been a mistake

Me: *I laugh* Well are you arrested?

Tamara: Nah she said she wasn't gonna press charges. What about you Bella where have you been.

Me: Um well I kind of got lost when we got separated

Tamara: What do you mean?

Me: I OD'd

Tamara: Bella what the hell do you mean you OD'd?!

Me: I'm sorry okay. I wasn't thinking right and I lost everything and everyone I cared about.

Tamara: Well why are you with the cops?

Me: Because I'm living with one

Tamara: Excuse me, what? You're living with a cop??

Me: Yeah.. *I chuckle* Hey T?

Tamara: what's up?

Me: Can you come to the station with me? I want to catch up with you.

Tamara: *hesitates a bit* Sure why not *smiles*

I walk over to Tim and Lucy.

Me: Tim *I smile* Tamara is gonna come with me. Can you drop us off at the station? It's your break anyways

Tim: Yeah, but why bring her?

Me: Because I said so

Tim finally agrees and Tamara and I hop in the car. We start talking about some funny memories we've missed ever since we got separated. We keep talking until we get back to the station. Lucy lets us both out and we start walking into the station. I walk into the station laughing really loudly making everyone look at me including Angela.

I walk into the briefing room and Tamara and I start talking again. While we're talking I notice Angela heading over to Tim and Lucy. I look confused but I look away.

*Angela's p.o.v*

I watch Isabella as she walks into the station with a girl. She's smiling really hard. She has this big smile on her face. A smile I've never seen before. I see Tim and Lucy and I walk over towards them.

Angela: Timothy

Tim: Lopez

Angela: So who's the girl Isabella's with?

Tim: The girl who stole Lucy's car. Her name's Tamara Collins. *looks at me* Hey don't do anything you're gonna regret. She's happy with her. They know each other and it's the first time I've seen her this happy ever since I met her.

Angela: I promise I won't do anything. Anyways I'll go see you later.

I walk away and go back over to my desk. I do a background check on a Tamara Collins. I find out that both her parents OD'd. She got taken in with relatives but she ran away due to some violence. I keep doing some more digging on her. She's still in school and she has pretty good grades. I look at the school she's enrolled in and I guess it's the same school Isabella is in.

*Isabella's p.o.v*

It's been really nice getting to hang out with Tamara again. I haven't been this happy since the last time I saw her. She's changed me. The way I acted and trusted. She was the only person who kept me safe after Nyla and my mom. She was my safe place. I don't think I can handle losing her again. I realized it was getting really dark outside and I checked the clock. It was already 9 pm.

Tamara: Isabella, it's been really nice seeing you again. I think I should go now though. Lucy put me in this shelter but I'll just run away later.

Me: Hey? promise me you'll be safe ok. I can't lose you again

Tamara: Don't worry. I promise *she smiles at me* See you soon?

Me: See you soon. Bye I love you

Tamara: I love you too

I watch her as she leaves the station walking to god knows where. I'm praying that nothing bad happens to her.

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