twenty three

448 10 2

*Angela's p.o.v*

I tried to stay up but I was getting pretty tired and I ended up falling asleep in the waiting room. I get awaken by the doctor and I looked over at my watch it says 1:05 am. I stood up looking at the doctor worried that something bad happened during the surgery.

Me: Is she okay? Did something happen?

Doctor: She's okay. The surgery went very well, but while we were searching her fractured ribs we lost her for a minute but we got her back. Other than that she did really good. We do want her to stay here for about 3 days so that we can monitor how she's doing.

Me: Okay *I nod* when can I see her?

Doctor: She's still in the same room, but it might take awhile for the anesthesia to leave her body. She might be awake but she'll be a little out of it due to the anesthesia.

Me: Okay *I nod*

I watch as the doctor walks away and I take out my phone to text Wesley. I text him that Isabella is out of surgery and he quickly responds by saying he's on his way. After I read his message I put my phone back into my pocket and I start making my way towards her room. I look at her while she's on the hospital bed and I notice that she's sleeping. I pull a chair closer to her bed and I sat down. I held her hand while I started falling asleep. 

*Isabella's p.o.v*

I wake up back in the hospital room. I look over at the clock and it read 4 am. I look over beside me and I see Angela sitting down holding on to my hand. I look over at the little couch and I see Wesley trying his best to stay up. He notices that I was up and he stood up and walked towards me.

Wesley: Hey sweetie

Me: Hi *I sightly smile while I'm in pain*

Wesley: How are you doing?

Me: I'm good just a little thirsty

Wesley: Okay, let me go get you some water *he smiles and leaves the room*

I wait in bed as he's trying to get me some water. He comes back with a cup of water and hands it to me. I smile at him knowing he's the closest thing I've had to a good father. After I finished drinking some water, Wesley and I started talking some more until he ended up falling asleep. I look at the ceiling just thinking about how my life turned out better than I thought it would. Meeting Angela was the best thing to ever happen to someone like me. I keep looking at the ceiling until I fell back asleep. 

*A few hours later*

I woke up again and I looked at the clock and it read 8:30 am. I tried to sit up but my whole body was in pain. I looked over at Angela and Wesley still sleeping and I smiled. I tried to move my body over but I ended up waking Angela up. She looks at me with a smile and starts to sit up from her chair.

Angela: Good morning honey *she smiles*

Me: Good morning *I smile back at her*

She looks at me really tiredly and I try to tell her to go back to sleep. She refuses and said she was gonna keep me occupied. I smiled and tried not to argue because I was in so much pain. We talked for awhile until Wesley woke up. 

Wesley: Good morning my beautiful girls *smiles*

Me: *I look at him* Girls huh?

Wesley: Yeah *he smiles*

He makes me smile really big and he stands up to go kiss my forehead. Once he kisses my forehead he goes to the other side of the bed and kisses Angela. I smile at the sight of them knowing I haven't seen this type of love in awhile.

Wesley: I'll go get us something to eat. The food here is really bad so what do you guys want?

Me: Can I get a burger and some fries pleaseeeeeee

Wesley: Of course *he chuckles* what about you babe?

Angela: Ooh I want a burrito *she smiles*

We watch as he nods and leaves the room. Angela and I are left in the room alone and she looks back at me.

Angela: Are you okay? Are you feeling any pain?

Me: Yeah but it's nothing I can't handle

Angela: Are you sure? Because I can call the doctor in here

Me: Yeah *I smile* I'm good for now

Angela: Baby? 

Me: Yeah?

Angela: I'm gonna have to leave soon but I'll be right back

Me: Why is something wrong?

Angela: No nothing's wrong. I just have to go to this appointment for the baby. I completely forgot about it

Me: Oh ok

Angela: Nyla is coming soon if that's okay *she smiles* she said she'll bring some of the others since they've been waiting to see how you're doing

Me: That's great *I smile*

We keep talking for a little bit until Nyla comes in the room. She looks at me with a big smile and I smile back at her. She walks over to me and gives me a hug. She hugs me a bit too tight.

Me: T-too t-tight

She lets go and looks at me and says sorry. I look at her and laugh a bit and she looks at me with her serious face.

Nyla: Why are you laughing at me

Me: Calm down Detective I'm sorry I couldn't breathe *I laugh a bit*

Angela: well I'll leave you guys here *she smiles* I'll be back before Wesley even comes back with our food

Before she left she gave me a kiss on the forehead and smiled when she was walking out.

Me: Be safe *I yelled after her*

Angela: I will *she smiles*

I watch as she left and Nyla lays down on my bed. We talk a little bit more. She bothers me with the same questions but I love her too much to tell her it bothers me. We stay in my bed and watch some TV just relaxing waiting for Angela to come back.

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