twenty one

446 11 0

*Angela's p.o.v*

Nyla and I were arguing with Stanton until we get interrupted by a loud noise that came from the corner. Everyone turned around and I saw a glimpse of her. It was Isabella. She ran away but I saw her. I start to chase after her but I couldn't find her anywhere. I checked every room except one. I opened up the door letting the light from the hallway shine in. And that's when I saw her. On the ground like she was dead. I rush over to her and check for a pulse. I turn around and I see Nyla behind me.

Me: No pulse. We have to get her to the hospital.

Nyla immediately goes outside and calls Tim. Tim runs inside and sees Isabella. 

Me: Tim we have to go now

I watch as Tim picks her up and we rush outside. When we're running I got a glimpse of Stanton looking at us. I ran out of the station and rush into Nyla's shop. Nyla starts to drive with sirens on and soon enough we make it to the hospital. We rush Isabella into the ER and the doctors put her on a gurney. I watch them as they try to get a pulse. They can't find one so they get some NARCAN to see if it works. They spray it into her nose and they get a pulse. She OD'd?  Once they get a pulse I see her start seizing. They immediately put her to her side to stop the seizure. When they find a pulse again they kicked us out and sent us to the lobby.

Once we got to the lobby I start to panic and I call Wesley.

*On the call*

Me: Wesley baby? It's Isabella come to the hospital now

Wesley: What's wrong?

Me: I don't know

Wesley: Okay just stay calm I'll be there soon

*Ends the call*

Tim motions for me to sit down. I sat down and my leg starts to shake. I try and stop it until I heard Wesley's voice. I stood back up and walked over to him. 

Wesley: Baby what's wrong with her?

Me: I-I don't know yet. We found her at the station with no pulse and we rushed her here. 

Wesley: Okay well, you're still pregnant so let's go have a seat.

He walks me over to the chairs where Tim and Nyla were at. My legs starts to shake again but this time Wesley noticed and he puts his hands on my legs to make them stop. I put my head down on his shoulder trying not to think about what I saw in the room I found her in.

*Half an hour later*

It's been awhile since we've been here. Jackson, John, Lucy, Grey, and his wife Luna all came. We're all waiting in the lobby until I see the doctor that was treating Isabella. I immediately stood up.

Me: What's wrong with her?

Doctor: Ma'am we did some tests and we found drugs in her system. We also got a CT of her whole entire body since she had a seizure that drugs wouldn't cause. We found a severe head blunt trauma, some of her ribs were shattered, and her pelvis was crushed. These injuries will lead to surgery. We're scared about her ribs because we don't know if it hit any of her organs so we need to make sure that it is okay. We also saw some bruises on her arms but we didn't want to look at her body without any parental permission.

Nyla: No, don't do anything without her permission. If she wakes up knowing that she got touched anywhere and you let them do it, she's not gonna trust you anymore. Think about your choices here Angela.

Angela: Don't do anything. We'll wait for her to wake up and ask for her decision.

Doctor: Yes ma'am. The decision needs to be quick or else something bad will happen due to that head blunt trauma she suffered and her broken ribs. I'm pretty sure she's awake right now in room 306.

I nod my head at the doctor and I start walking towards her room. Nyla and Wesley following right behind me. I enter the room and my eyes quickly fall to her body on the hospital bed. She looks so tired and in pain. I walk towards the bed with caution. She looks up at me and her eyes are all red and puffy which means she's been crying. I sit on her bed and I open my arms. She immediately hugs me and cries into my arms.

Isabella: *whispers* I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it again

Me: It's ok baby. I'm not mad at you

We stay in this position for a few minutes until she lets go. Once she lets go she looks at me with her brown watery eyes. I look at her scared because of the news I'm about to tell her.

Me: Honey?

Isabella: ye-yeah?

Me: The doctor wants to take a look at your body since they saw some bruises on you. They're worried that you might've more. You received serious head trauma, you're ribs are very fractured which may have hit your organs, and you have a crushed pelvis they want to look at. 

I watch her as her face starts to get worried. It's like something was on her mind and when she realized she looked straight at Nyla. I look back at Nyla confused until Isabella said something.

Isabella: C-can I please speak with Nyla alone?

Me: Yeah of course *I nod*

I stood up and I left the room with Wesley leaving both Nyla and Isabella alone. 

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