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tw: bullying,self harm, mental illness, suicide attempts, drug use

this one's gonna get me cancelled ladies 🤑🤤 but that's fine I wrote this book for my real ones only 💯 I fw u guys on another level

Guys pls comment a lot if u love me


Shoes crashes against the wet pavement, water from puddles splashing about at each terrified step. Some paper flew onto the floor too, soaking in all the moisture and being left to erode over the next few weeks. Constantly trampled on and ignored as it endured all the pain.

That's what the boy running felt like. There were muddy shoe marks against his clothes and face, bruises that he was trying to endure and nobody batted an eye at the next morning. He didn't have time to compare himself to a useless piece of paper and continued to run as fast as he could due to the group behind him catching up.

Shit, I shouldn't have smoked all those cigarettes. He thought to himself as a fire began to spread in his chest making it hard to breathe and run. Unfortunately, his legs began to slow down which allowed the group of boys to catch up and grab whatever they wanted.

"You fucking coward, you had the confidence earlier to talk all that shit about us why are you running now?" A rough hand grabbed his collar and spun him around into place, "Apologise."

"For what? I didn't do anything wrong." Taehyung firmly replied, he wasn't going to back down even if that meant he'd be left on the floor all bruised up.

"You know exactly what you did-"

"I didn't fuck your boyfriend alright? I take it up the ass, not put it up the ass." He spat, crying out when a punch was delivered across his already bruised up face, "Fuck." He grunted.

"Stop lying you freak, everybody and their mother knows what you did to him."

"Then they all must be mentally sl-" Taehyung cried out again as a fist met his stomach and now two other guys were holding onto his arms.

Wow, he sounds pretty nice groaning. A boy stood not too far beside a tree, cigarette in his mouth and lighter just below it. He watched the scene unfold ahead of him with an amused expression, blowing out smoke occasionally and wincing whenever it looked to painful.

Who is this poor guy? The fuck did he do to them? Jeongguk raised his eyebrows, dropping them when his fresh eyebrow piercing stung a little.

Once his cigarette was finished which he put out below his feet, the group departed and the unknown victim stumbled away. However, one thing that caught his attention was a card of some sort dropping out of the others pocket as he ran off.

Jeongguk walked over curiously, picking up the card which had fallen into a tiny puddle of blood. He cringed at that and quickly wiped it against his shirt which he then realised was quite a stupid idea. He ignored his thoughts and just stared at the ID card with raised eyebrows.

What on earth did someone this pretty do to- oh he goes to my uni what the fuck. I've never even seen him before. Jeongguk frowned at his lost chances to make moves on the beauty. Oh I should probably drop tbis off at reception tomorrow so he gets it back.

He slipped into his pocket and pulled out another cigarette which would keep him company on his way home. And so would the thoughts about the pretty good he had just laid his eyes on.

The same boy who dropped into his room with a loud sigh, relief washing over his aching body as he knew he was now in a safe place.

"Fuck." He breathed out and lifted his top to reveal red blotches which he knew would turn into ugly shades of green and purple. There wasn't anything he could do so he just dropped it and decided to get dressed.

But, that just felt impossible as a sharp pain shot through his joints that made him sink into the floor.

I really need to find a way to stop this shit. If I go to the police it turns into a law thing that I can't afford and have no one to defend me in. They've got a whole army against me.

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut in pain and let out a pained cry. He continued to try and think of how else he could find ways to protect himself.

Can't afford material arts lessons, don't know how I'd fit that in with my work and class schedule.

He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling hopelessly.

Too poor for a bodyguard. Can't even ask for help in school because everyone is terrified of them or hate me.

At that thought, his eyes went wide and he quickly sat up.

Except that one guy who's always in trouble and is genuinely fucking scary. What's his name? He doesn't seem nice enough to even help someone like me out.

Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to remember the boy. He had very little hope that he'd actually help, but he was desperate for any type of help so he was prepared to ask. Even if he'd get rejected.

Jeongguk! That's his name.

hi guys 🫦🔥🤤

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