Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne

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Apologies as I cut out as many scenes as I could. This is honestly my least favorite episode and it put me in a writer's block for this.

Mount Everest

Omni-Man lands on the mountain before his son, Invincible does. His son quickly crashes right behind him. He groans as he stands up.

"Take deep breaths, buddy. The air's thin up here." Omni-Man places his hand on Invincible's shoulder.

"No... kidding..."

A mountain climb pants as he reaches the top before yelping, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Hi. Sorry. It's okay." The half-Viltrumite smiles awkwardly. "I'm... Invincible."


Invincible waves to the mountain climber as he climbs back down.

"Sometimes, I forget how beautiful this planet can be. Too bad the human race is hell-bent on destroying it. Good thing they got us, right?"

"Huh. Yeah, I guess. So, is Viltrum that different?"

"Oh, it's very different. We've ended wars all over the universe, brought peace to thousands of galaxies, lifted alien races out of the mud and into the future. It's why I'm here on Earth. It's why you're here."

"I still can't believe you left everything to come help a planet you'd never even seen before."

"I told you, I was part of the-"

"-World betterment committee. Yeah, I know, but that's still not a reason."

"Well, when your grandparents died, I was lost for a long time. They were the only family I had. Coming here felt like a chance to build something new."

"You mean with like Mom?"

"Yeah, your mom changed everything. She turned this place from a job to a home. Then you came along and changed it all again."

"Huh. I don't know if I could do that."

"Do what?"

"Leave everything behind."

"Hey, keeping the universe safe, living up to our people's heritage, it takes sacrifice, Mark. That's what I'm trying to teach you."

"Sure. I get that."

"Okay. All right, one more round, huh? Last one home takes out the garbage for a month-" Invincible flies away as soon as Omni-Man spews those words, cackling. Omni-Man chuckles.


"Lies!" Olga spat out. "The GDA are snakes. They don't care about us, or my poor Josef."

"Olga..." Debbie sighs.

"No Olga. I am Russian, my dear, I know how governments work, and yours is no different."

"Cecil's searching for the killer-"

"Is he? No one is in jail. No one is on the news. They know who did this, and they don't care."

"Why wouldn't they care?"

"I don't know, but I can tell when people are lying, and people are lying about this, which is why I'm moving back to Moscow, to my family. You can help me sell my house."

"Uh... yes, absolutely. Olga... did Josef ever lie to you? Of course, all heroes do, but I only made the mistake of believing him once. When he told me everything was going to be fine."

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