2: Memories

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A/N: Alastor uses the word boryeyed in this chapter. I can't find any definitions for it online but it's just 30s slang for being drunk.

Angel awoke with a pounding headache and no memories of the previous night. When he sat up, the room spun and what was no doubt all the alcohol from last night threated to come up. “What the fuck did I do last night?” He groaned to himself, squinting his eyes so the sunlight streaming in from the giant windows wouldn’t beckon more vomit into his mouth.

“Mornin’, sunshine.” Came a deep voice from the other end of the bed. Angel whipped his head in that direction and immediately regretted it, moaning and squeezing his eyes shut until the nausea went away. When he opened them again, he found Husk sitting in a chair next to his bed, bottle of cheap whiskey in hand.

“What are you… doing here?” He asked, immediately realizing how rude the question sounded. “Like… in my room, I mean.”

“Babysitting.” Husk growled, taking a swig from his bottle. “You’re a big baby when you’re that drunk.” Angel’s cheeks flushed, and they flushed even more when he realized he wasn’t wearing yesterday’s clothes. He wasn’t wearing anything at all. “That was all you. I only carried you here, nothin’ else.” Husk said when he noticed Angel checking under the covers to look at himself.

Then, all of the events from last night came back to him.

Angel woke up when the movement that lulled him to sleep had stopped. He blinked blearily as Husk set him down gently on his bed. It was surprising how well the other carried him when he was easily at least a foot taller than him in his heels. “There. I ain’t doin’ that again, so don’t get yourself lost again.” Husk scolded.

Stayyy..” Angel pleaded, wrapping both sets of his arms around Husk’s waist and resting his head against his hip before he could move away.

“Get off’a me.” The cat demon grumbled, trying to push Angel’s hands off of him. When he got one or two off, the other two would already be wrapped back around him, begging him to stay. “I ain’t stayin’ with you. I got work to do.”

“Pleaseeee…” Drunk Angel cried, holding Husk tighter and rubbing his face lovingly against his tummy. “I won’t charge ya.” He offered, beginning to take his gloves and boots off.

“I am not sleeping with you.” Husk took the opportunity of Angel’s busy hands to step away so he couldn’t grab him again.

“C’moooooonnn,” Angel whined, starting in on his bodysuit now. “Ya know you want iiiit.”

“Stop stripping.” Husk commanded, heading into Angel’s en suite. “C’mere.”

Despite the command, Angel continued to strip and only joined in the bathroom when all his sweaty, stained clothes were off and strewn over his dresser. Husk sighed, dragging the staggering Angel toward the tub. He wanted to get in gracefully, but he tripped on the rim of the tub and ended up face down on the stall floor. "Mmh.." He sighed, nearly falling asleep again on the cool tile. He was too tired to do anything else.

"I ain't washin' you." Husk scowled, hands on his hips. When soft snoring came from the bottom of the tub, he sighed and reached in, sitting Angel up against the wall opposite the faucet, put the heart-shaped plug in the drain, and turned the hot water on. 

He knew it would take a moment for the water heater to heat the damn water and Angel hissed as freezing cold water stung his skin. "Hush.." Husk snapped, though it was soft and kind in tone. He kept his hand under the water until it warmed nicely, making sure it was hot enough before turning the cold water on to balance it out. He spotted a bottle of bubble bath next to Angel's shampoos and conditioners and poured some in, watching him giggle as he played with the rising bubbles. “Wash your vomit off.” He told Angel, handing him a washcloth from the sink counter.

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