3: Breakfast

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"Good mo-orning!!" Charlie sang as Angel trudged down the stairs, taking the empty seat waiting for him between Husk and Alastor. "Another happy day in hell for our little hotel!" She smiled cheerfully, handing Niffty a pot of coffee to begin pouring in everyone's empty cups.

"It's too early fa' this shit.." Angel grumbled, sipping his freshly (and messily) poured coffee from Niffty. Husk picked up his own mug, taking a flask from his pocket and dumping most of its contents into said mug. "Gimme some a' that." Angel growled, stealing the flask and pouring the rest of it into his own mug.

"Get your own!" Husk snarled, yanking it back and making a face when he realized it was empty.

"Before we start on today's exercises, I'd like to thank our lovely host, Alastor, for making us breakfast! What are we having?" Charlie turned to the radio demon himself, reflecting his smile.

"Good question, my chum!" Alastor's smile widened. "I've made you all some lovely scrambled eggs on toast with bacon on the side!"

"Yummy!" Charlie giggled, beginning to plate up breakfast for everyone, even pouring pet food into Razzle and Dazzle's bowls.

When she came to Angel, he held a hand up when she offered him the bacon. "I don't eat pork."

"I didn't realizzze you were Jewisshhh." Sir Pentious perked up in his chair.

"I ain't." Angel scowled, leaning over to the floor to pick up his pet pig. "I do it fa' Fat Nuggets." He smiled genuinely down at the pet, squishing his fat little cheeks. "Don' I? Yes I do, yes I do!" He baby talked, babbling away into his squishy face.

"Jesus, shut up!" Husk snapped, throwing a glare at Angel that would blow his head clean off if looks could kill.

"Why? Upset that I'm actually enjoyin' somethin'?" Angel shot back, carefully setting Fat Nuggets back down.

"I'm surprised you can enjoy somethin' that ain't suckin', fuckin', or gettin' high."

"Now you're objectifyin' me? Woooow, what a great way to treat ya guests." Angel scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"'least I don't fuck anything that moves." Husk tutted, taking a bite of his eggs.

Angel immediately dropped his fork. "Take that back." He ordered, narrowing his eyes at the other.

"I'on take back the truth."

"That's my work ya disrespectin'!" Angel growled, standing from his chair to glare down at Husk. "I don't tell you what I think'a your job! Fuck you!" He spat.

Finally, Husk snapped. "Oh, you wish I would. You know how many times you came onto me last night? You keep goin' on and on about how you could have any demon you wanted! You only want me because I ain't interested!"

“O-kay, friends,” Charlie chuckled, hoping to ease the tension as she came between the two. “Let’s all calm down. Alastor, would you sit between them, please?” She smiled, a note of worry in her voice.

“Of course!” Alastor complied, lifting Angel out of his way to sit in his new chair. When Angel sat in his, he found himself next to Niffty, who was stabbing her bacon with a scarily pointy knife.

“It’s already dead, Nif.” He tutted, swapping his plate with Alastor’s to get his breakfast back.

“Gotta make sure!” She panted, standing in her booster seat to get a higher advantage.

“Now that that’s settled,” Charlie spoke up, drawing every head toward her. “I’d like to discuss today’s lesson plan!”

“Nooooo,” Angel groaned through a mouthful of eggs.

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