10: A Plan

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TW: Body shaming and unhealthy relationship with food

So, Angel spent his nights laying in wait for The Plan to start. All he had to do for now was smile and obey Val's commands until he was given the signal.

Now that he had Niffty with him, he spent his 'downtime' talking to her. Of course, it wasn't much different, since conversations with here were... cryptic at best. Since she was so small, she hid under the bed easily and Val was too busy abusing Angel to check for intruders.

Often, though, he found the tiny mole creature in places she shouldn't be and had to drag her back to his dressing room for a lecture she didn't listen to. Once, while filming a particularly kinky scene, he spotted her rifling through all the whips and gags, trying on heavily used equipment. That was quite the conversation to have with her, and after that, he spotted her trying to covertly clean more and more things instead of snooping.

One night, as Angel lay awake in bed with Niffty curled up at his feet like a dog, he sighed. "I miss Husk." He muttered.

Niffty, who was apparently awake, crawled over to his head. She sat up, reaching down with her small, pointy finger and began playing with his hair. "I'm here." She said awkwardly. Through this time together, he learned that she was extremely empathetic but had no idea how to comfort people or what to say. She said the only way she knew how to soothe others was to comb and rake through their hair with her nails, which is how she comforted her boyfriend when she was alive. He smiled as he felt her finger braiding and massaging his scalp, finding it oddly comforting.

"I miss Husk," he repeated, tears welling in his eyes. "I miss Fat Nuggets. I miss Char. I miss my new life. I miss my room. I miss daily breakfast. I miss the lectures Char and Vags gave me when I came back from drinkin'. I miss so much of it, Niff." As he vented, his voice broke and tears streamed down his face and into his fur, soaking the mattress below him.

Niffty made a small noise of approval before leaning over, pressing her nose to his in sort of a Spider-Man butterfly kiss. She stared into his eyes with a blank, yet loving eye. "You will be okay."

Those four small words seemed to comfort him a lot and he smiled as he nuzzled his nose against hers before she sat back up. It was a tiny gesture, but she was a tiny lady and he knew that it meant everything. He wiped the tears from his cheeks as he heard everything unsaid by her. The plan would soon fall into place, and he would soon be free. They would come for him and he'd be able to live the rest of his life free from Valentino. He would be okay.

"Thank you, doll." He chuckled lightly, sitting up and plucking her from her seat to give her a crushing hug.

"Mhm!!" She smiled brightly up at him. After he let her go, she laid down, this time right next to him, and yawned. "Bedtime now?"

"Bedtime now." He smiled, laying back down next to her and falling soundly asleep for the first time in weeks.


The next morning, Angel woke up without his small companion by his side. She was good at hiding before Val came in at nine to wake him up. "Angel!"

As always, Valentino burst into the room without knocking and threw the covers off of him to unlock his shackles. "Good morning, Val." Angel groaned, sitting up weakly.

"Big day ahead." Val grumbled angrily. Oh, how lovely today was going to be. "Six videos, two for OnlySins, a photoshoot for PlayBunni, and I setcha up with some rich randos 'cause they paid well for your spindly little body. Good thing you've been skipping breakfast."

That made Angel's stomach growl. He was skipping nearly every meal - and it wasn't by choice. When he was living here, he'd have delicious meals delivered to his room whenever he needed. But the day Val chained him to this godforsaken bed, he tried to order dinner, but nothing came. He asked about it the next day and all Val said was, "you could stand to lose a few pounds. Going without dinner won't kill you, y'know."

And a few pounds he lost. And then a few more. And now when he looked in the mirror he could see his ribs. But it still wasn't enough for Val, because he still wasn't allowed to eat. The only time he did eat was when Niffty snuck food in for him from the kitchen, which proved difficult with Vox's constant surveillance.

He stood with shaky legs, reach out to steady himself on the wall. "Can I please eat something?" He mumbled.

Val groaned dramatically. "God, can you go one minute without thinking about food? Get ready, those rich assholes are coming at eight so we gotta get all that other shit done fast." He waltzes out of the room before poking his head back in. "That means know your fucking lines."

As soon as he left, tears welled in Angel's eyes. As much hope and faith as he had in this plan, it was getting harder every day to deal with his boss. It's like he was trying to break him. When she heard his soft sobbing, Niffty crawled out from under the bed and climbed on top of him. She stood on his thighs and wiped his tears, leaning her forehead against his. "You will be okay."

He took a deep breath and nodded, patting her head. "I will be okay." He said softly, more to himself than to her. Then he stood, lifting her and setting her back down on the mattress. "Thank you, Niff. I appreciate it." He quickly covered up his bruises at his vanity and braced himself to face work another day.

"You will be okay." Niffty said softly from the bed.

Angel smiled and nodded. He would be okay.

As soon as he stepped out, he was greeted by Val's smiling face, which was an odd contrast to what he was woken up with. "Angel, dear! I'd like you to meet my new friend. Though I believe you already know him."

"Hello!" Came an unmistakeable transatlantic accent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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