6: Sleepover

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A/N: sorry to all who had to read the censored version of last chapter. I went back and fixed it :)

“Tell us EVERYTHING!!” Charlie squealed, clutching one of her pillows to her chest.

She had decided that everyone was making such great progress that they could have a party. But not just any party - a slumber party. She’d separated the girls and boys, the girls in her room and the boys in Alastor’s. When she announced it, she thought for a moment before turning to Angel and asking, “would you rather be with us?” She even offered to invite Cherri.

So now they all sat in a circle on Charlie’s plush, pink carpet, gossiping about the kiss he’d shared with Husk a week ago now. “That’s all it was.” Angel shrugged with his top arms, coddling Fat Nuggets with his bottom set. “We kissed. The weird thing is, before we did it, he looked at me like I was the last bottle of whiskey in all a’ hell. Now he won’t even look at me.”

“Weird.” Vaggie furrowed he brows. “Maybe it’s ‘cause Che-”

“Maybe it was a mistake.” Cherri interrupted. “Ever think of that?”

That stung Angel. It stung because he had thought of that. He’d laid awake every night of the past week wondering what he’d done wrong. Were his lips chapped? Did his breath stink?

…Did Husk even like him?

He pushed back the tears threatening to form in his eyes, taking a deep breath. “No,” he shook his head. “I’m too sexy fa’ anything like that to be a mistake.”

“You don’t deserve him anyway.” Cherri shrugged. “You’re too good for any man who ignores you.”

“That’s not fair.” Vaggie told her. “Angel may have trauma, but so does Husk. They both need time.”

“I’m just making a suggestion.” Cherri rolled her eye. “No need to get your panties in a twist. Right, Angie?” She chuckled

“I told you not ta’ call me that..” He grumbled, scotting away from her. He loved Cherri more than anything - more than drugs, more than alcohol, more than sex - but right now it just didn’t feel like she was on his side.

“Whatevah.” She scoffed, standing. “You guys are boring. I’m gonna get a drink.”

“Wait- the bar’s not open!” Charlie called after her, scrambling to her feet. Angel chuckled to himself as he watched Cherri flip the princess of hell herself off. That was the Cherri Bomb he knew and loved.

“Can I ask you something, Angel?” Vaggie ventured cautiously.

“Go for it.” He shrugged, scritching Fat Nuggets’ widdle chin.

“Why exactly do you… like Husk?”

Angel opened his mouth to answer, but closed it just as quickly. It wasn’t something he’d really thought about. From the his first day at the hotel, the first moment he laid his eyes on him, he knew he’d wanted to take him for a joy ride. But after many, many failed advancements, lots of broken glass, lots more shouting, and what happened last week, he found himself actually growing fond of the cat.

He’d found a family here at the hotel. On the day he arrived, he saw this place as nothing more than a free place to crash and get away from work. Somehow, though, this stupid, stupid hotel wormed its way into his heart, and so did everyone in it. When Charlie called them all a family, he’d rolled his eyes at first. Now, he smiled at the thought. A family. Yeah. That’s exactly what they all were.

“Well--” He started, quickly interrupted by the sound of breaking glass. “Fuck was that?”

“I don’t know,” Vaggie stood, watching Charlie make her way to the door.

“I’m gonna check it out.” 

“Wait!” Vaggie called after her, chasing her out the door. 

Angel sat and stared at the empty doorway, smiling at all the muffled shouting he could hear. “I dunno, Fat Nuggets.” He sighed, flopping backwards onto the carpet. “Do you think he actually likes me?”

Fat Nuggets snorted, trotting up onto Angel’s chest. He sat and curled up, closing his eyes.

“I like you!” Nifty spoke suddenly, startling both Angel and his pet. “You’ll play roaches with me, right?”

“Riiight..” Angel nodded slowly. “I would but ah… I should go check on Vags and Char…” As he stood and walked briskly out the door, he heard a small whimper of sadness before two sets of tiny feet came pittering behind him. One was teeny tiny heels and the other was little hooves, accompanied by soft snorting.

“I tried to stop ‘em.” He heard Husk grumble as he emerged from the stairway, making his way down to the bar. When he got there, he stared in bewildered amazement at the sight before him. Husk was sitting on a barstool, guzzling down a bottle, while Charlie and Vaggie stood shell shocked watching Cherri and Sir Pentious go at it on top of the bar. Alastor stood beside the women, that never faltering smile growing wider and wider by the second.

“That is quite enough,” he spoke, his transatlantic accent shining through the radio static pounding into everyone’s ears. “There will be no fornicating in my lobby.”

“Jesus,” Cherri grumbled, sitting up from her place straddling the snake. “Am I allowed ta’ do anything fun around here?”

“We have plenty of fun activities!” Charlie forced a smile. “Just not… er… fornication.”

“We weren’t ‘fornicating.’” Cherri slurred, scoffing. “Just hooking up.”

“Are you drunk?” Vaggie narrowed her eye.

“Please, darling,” she let out a breathy laugh. “When am I not?”

Angel watched as Charlie took a deep breath, closing her eyes on the inhale and only opening them after a few moments. “Cherri. As fun as you are, I believe you are becoming a bad influence on our guests. I have no choice but to politely ask you to leave.”

Cherri burst into laughter, sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of the bar. As she hopped down, she readjusted herself in her shirt, wiping at her now smeared lipstick. “You’re a card, princess. What sleepover game should we play next?”

“I’m serious.” Charlie said, voice waving ever so slightly. “Please go.”

“C’mon, ya don’t mean it.” Cherri smirked, walking over to Angel and slinging an arm around his shoulders. "Let's get drunk, Angie." She began pulling him toward the bar.

"No." He shook his head, ducking so he could escape her grasp.

"When did you stop being fun?" She chuckled, grabbing his hand and dragging him harder.

“Cher, stop!” He finally burst out, yanking back so hard he felt his shoulder pop. “I said I don’t wanna.”

“You’re such a pussy.” She scowled, wandering over behind the bar. “This shitty hotel has really softened you up.”

“Cherri Bomb!” Charlie lashed out, her horns sprouting up and her eyes flashing red. “This hotel is a sanctuary for individuals who seek redemption! You don’t have to agree with it, but I will not allow you to corrupt our guests. You need to leave.”

Cherri grumbled, rolling her eye. “Fine. See if I ever turn up here again.” She strutted drunkenly over to Angel, wrapping her arms around him in a hug before pulling away and kissing his cheek lightly. “See ya, love.”

He nodded solemnly. “Good-bye, Cherri.”

“Not you too.” She frowned, her face showing honest sadness. “Why’re you mad at me?”

“I found a family here.” He shrugged. “You’re hurting them.”

They stared at each other a long moment before she sighed. “We were supposed to be family.” And before Angel could reply, she turned and left.

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