9: Niffty?

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“You what?” Angel whispered frantically. He whipped his head in every direction, making sure no one could see how surely insane he looked. 

“Valentino sent us those awful videos,” Charlie explained from Vaggie’s shoulders, under Husk. “You looked so sad… we had to come get you.”

Angel shivered at the thought of all his friends seeing the filthy things Val used him for. Though the last few days (or had it only been one?) were hazy in his mind, he remembered crying into the camera at one point, begging whoever would watch to stop, to turn the phone off, to let him suffer like this without them having to see it. Sex was one of his greatest vices, even when he was alive, but Val used it not just against him, but all of his stars in such a disgustingly deplorable way that he despised. When he took this job, he thought it would be the easiest thing in the world to do, since he loved it so much. Oh how he was wrong.

“You can’t do that.” He shook his head rapidly. 

“Why not?” Niffty blinked innocently at him, and then her eye darted around somewhere behind him. It took him a moment to register that she wanted to climb inside and clean the gross showers from top to bottom (or, as best as she could, anyway.)

“‘Cause you guys are gonna get yourselves killed!”

“Oh, Angel~” Val called from down the hall.

“Or me in the process.” He sighed. “Please, go,” he begged as the footsteps receded. “Just let me die here.” He hopped down from the window before anyone could argue, and just before Val wandered in.

“There you are, darling~” Valentino purred out, and Angel suppressed a shiver that threatened to roll down his spine. “How was your shower?”

This is what he hated about Val. Yesterday, he punched him so hard he nearly broke his nose, and now he was acting as if they’d been happily married for years. He swallowed the disdain in his throat and put on the moth's favorite smile. “I feel much better.” He didn't have to lie about that, though. He liked to shower everyday and he felt disgusting without it.

“I bet you do!” Val cooed down at him, planting a smacking kiss on his forehead. “Let's get you in your robe and snuggled up in your fresh new room.”

Angel had learned quickly that when Val liked a star, they got better things. And Val liked a star when they smiled, kept quiet, and said, 'yes, Val.' So, that's what he did. And he became Val's favorite. He got the biggest room, the best opportunities, the first pick at scenes, the most media coverage. He was living good.

But then he heard about the hotel. The princess of hell was trying to - save souls? That didn't sound right. But she was offering a free room, free alcohol, and free sexy staff. Well, she hadn't specified the last part, but he saw the bartender in the ad.

Sure, he had a free room with Val - quite a fancy one at that - but he hated living where he worked. He'd wake up, he'd shoot, he'd lay around in the same damn building all day, and he'd go to bed. The only time he got out was when Val took him to bars to pimp him out and he was sick of it.

So, he started staying there. It started out as a few nights a week. It was a bit.. dirty for his taste. And the princess was far too cheerful. But he got to crash there for free, and he found himself enjoying it. It was a nice escape from work, which was quickly becoming his person hell. He moved his favorite things into his hotel room and began to stay there full time.

But that made Val angry. He hated that Angel was out of his control, despite how he owned his soul. And he lay awake at night wondering if it was worth it to be happy at home and miserable at work than just bored and desolate at both.

And that's how he got here. One morning he went to work as normal, and then he found himself a prisoner to Valentino that night. Now, compared to the comfy one he’d gotten accustomed to in the hotel, his room here seemed so impersonal. Or maybe it was always that way when you lived at work. “Do you like it?” Val asked proudly, wrapping a gross arm around Angel’s shoulders.

He put on what he liked to call his Val Smile, staring at the dark, tidy room. “Mhm.”

“Watch!” Val smiled proudly, pulling out a small remote that washed the whole room with pink when he pressed the on button. “Your favorite color,” he sighed happily to himself, waltzing over to the vanity to have a seat. “Now that it’s all tidy, I’m thinking we’ll do a room tour for the press next.”

Angel cocked his head, sitting down on his now freshly cleaned duvet. “Why?”

“Well, now that you’re living here full time again, we’ll be able to shoot with you more.” He shrugged, like it was obvious. “We gotta build excitement for all the new videos coming out.”

“Right…” Angel chuckled nervously, trying not to let it show. He was about to speak again when Val suddenly stood up, making his way over to the bed.

“I’m so glad you decided to come back, darling.” He cooed, planting a cigarette smoke filled kiss on his lips. “We really missed you.”

Then, he chained his legs down and was gone just as quickly as he had appeared earlier. Angel sighed hopelessly, staring at the doorway like Val would come back and release him if he thought about it hard enough.

“That was pathetic.” Niffty said bluntly beside him.

“I know.” He nodded, then whipped his head around at her. “What the hell are you doin’ here?” He whisper shouted, his eyes widening.

“Alastor and Husk sent me in.” She said, casually hopping down off the bed and quickly inspecting everything for dirt. “To tell you about the plan.”

He waited a few beats for her to elaborate, but that never came. “So tell me about the plan.” He prompted.

“Ohhh!” She shot up with a smile. “Right.”

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