7: Valentino

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Happy birthday to our baby Angel ❤️

"Cut!" Val screamed, and everything stopped. Angel's throat was empty and the hands at his waist let go immediately. "Angel, can I ask you something?" Val glared at him condescendingly as he sat up.

"Wha?" He responded, wiping the spit from his mouth.

"Do you know how to act?" He shouted angrily, making Angel flinch.

"You made us redo this scene, like, ten times already," He complained, crossing both sets of arms. "So ex-cuse me if I'm a little tired."

Val leaned forward in his director's chair. "Maybe if you knew your damn lines, we would only have to do one take."

"You're runnin' me ragged here, Val." Angel whined. "I don't got time to do everything you ask me."

"Are you getting too old?" The moth sneered. "I can replace you faster than your first wrinkle can appear."

"Whatever." Angel rolled his eyes, standing and taking the robe being handed to him from a crew member. "I'm too valuable to ever replace."

"Just watch me." Val threatened, taking a long drag from his cigarette.

"I need a break." Angel sighed, tying the robe around himself as he made his way to his dressing room.

"Jesus Christ on the fucking cross." Val growled exhaustedly. "Take ten, everyone!"

As soon as the door closed, Angel flopped down onto the satin sheets and pulled out his phone. The movements were so familiar to him, so ingrained in his memory that he only realized what he was doing when he looked at the most recent texts for the number.

One Week Ago


You know I ain't meant it like that
Read 1w ago

He sighed, tears welling in his eyes. He messed up. He messed up real bad. Cherri used to be his only family. On days like these, he'd text her and she'd meet him after the shoot to cheer him up. And it was just the two of them, facing hell together.

Now he had no one. His death-long friend wasn't answering. The man he had a crush on wasn't talking to him. And he didn't know anyone else. He couldn't even call Charlie; Val would have his head on a pike if she ever showed up again.

Angel stood, tossing his phone dejectedly onto the messy nightstand. He wandered over to the equally messy vanity. How did he ever live in this mess? He'd just started cleaning everything up when he heard the door open and close.

"Angel." He didn't look up. "Darling," Val cooed, coming to stand behind him. "What's going on with you today?" He asked gingerly, as if he didn't just verbally abuse him for the last few hours.

"I'm fine." Angel said coldly, slowly continuing his cleanup.

"If you were fine," Valentino tilted his chin up, forcing him to look into his glasses through the mirror, "we wouldn't have to reshoot the introduction of the porn video." He scowled. "No one even cares about that shit. Do you know how awful you have to act for me to have to reshoot that?"

"I'm the best actor you have." Angel frowned in the mirror.

"Then act like it!" Val screamed, pulling away. His foot caught on the stool as he did, throwing Angel to the floor.

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