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King's Landing ; Westeros
112 A.C.

      It is common knowledge that a member of the royal house must be impeccable in the eyes of others. Precious fabrics hugging the skin, gems, gold and silver illuminating the gaze are taken for granted, to say the least. However, in that pile of junk, there was not a ribbon worth saving, neither in shape nor colour.

A young lady stood silently in the background, shifting her weight from one leg to the other, trying to catch the slightest emotion on the princess face.

  "This is the best you can offer?" She was holding a purple velvet in her hands, sliding it between her fingers, when her dry voice cleared the air.

The seller, no doubt from Braavos, opened his eyes wide, incredulous that his wares could be questioned. He was ready to rebuke the princess harshly, to remind her that from his cloths had been made the best dresses of Queen Alyssane herself; finally to leave the court feigned offence.

He did none of these things. Understandable, considering the look with which the princess nailed him to the ground. He cleared his throat and dared to take a few steps forward.

"Your Highness... you are looking at the finest fabrics of the Seven Kingdoms. The greatest queens have dressed these velvets. No doubt there must be something to your taste?" He saw Princess Naeryssa raise her eyebrows, her cobalt eyes sparkling with malice. The young lady in the background had stopped moving, looking at the princess.

"Do you question my taste in fabrics, Sir?" The words left her lips with grace, however calculating. She abandoned the purple velvet, advancing with feline step towards her interlocutor. He turned crimson, red tinged his face, and the gold earrings between his beard and hair jangled swirling as he shook his head. "Oh no, I would never dare -" Damn the words, that in the flow, he forgot who they were directed at.

"You almost seem to think you know better than a princess, don't you?"
The air was heavier than usual.

"Your highness, I would never dare. What a vile accusation! What an affront!" The ringed hands swirled in the air vehemently. Naeryssa opened her eyes wide; wide enough for it to be believable.

"Do you imply that I am accusing you falsely? You call a princess a liar?"

The merchant looked at her in astonishment; he raised his hands to the sky in terror. "I would never dare, your highness. I am but a humble merchant of Braavos. How could I?" He pronounced each word bowing more until his chest was so low that he could see the cracks in the floor.

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