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A capsule Corp vehicle could be seen driving on the long treacherous road, has Bulma checked her scouter it showed that the dragon ball was located on an island the problem was the stars were coming out so they had to find somewhere to set up camp

Sasuke: nights coming we should probably find somewhere to camp

Bulma: yeah that's the idea, we can get the rest of the dragon balls tomorrow

Goku: hey Bulma you have any food I'm starving

Bulma: you'll have to wait until we find a spot to camp, hey Sasuke you've been really silent

Sasuke: it's nothing I'm just reminiscing a little

Bulma: yeah I get it based on what you told me I can only guess a singularity was opened up when you two collided your attacks together

Sasuke on Thier way to find somewhere for the night was asked question by teen of where he was from and because Sasuke wanted to know more about where he was, he reluctantly told Goku and Bulma a little about his world and how he fought his best friend over a disagreement obviously he wasn't foolish enough to tell them it was to get power from a certain snake


Bulma and the gang eventually came upon a spot the teen used a capsule house which surprised Goku because he never seen technology like that and it surprised Sasuke because nothing like that existed back in his world, eventually Bulma had to get Goku to take a bath which was funny to Sasuke after the fiasco, Bulma got food from the fridge has she and the boys ate dinner

Goku: hehehe that was great Bulma

Bulma: I'm glad you like it, what do you think Sasuke

Sasuke: I've eaten food like this back home it's good

Bulma: (well he seems grateful enough I think), Its getting late there's two beds you and Goku can share one I'll take the other

Sasuke: that sounds fine

Goku: yeah

Eventually Bulma and the boys got to Thier respective living quarters, Sasuke sighed has he plunked down on the bed, Goku laid down gently has turned on the other side, a couple minutes passed as Goku looked restless

Sasuke: can't sleep

Goku: Nuh uh, hbu

Sasuke: yeah same here

Goku: hey Sasuke you said you are a ninja right

Sasuke: yeah

Goku: could we have a spar tomorrow

Sasuke: if we have time sure why not, (*sigh* I should probably find some way to make money has i need clothes, food, shelter, etc can't rely on Bulma even if her family is loaded)

Goku: good night Sasuke

Sasuke: uh huh same here


Both boys woke up to Bulma making breakfast which they were grateful for after eating Bulma and the boys got on Thier way to find the dragon balls, they eventually met up with a sea turtle which was asking for help to get home Bulma didn't want to make a detour because she wanted the dragon balls quickly to make her wish, Goku eventually persuaded her that it wouldn't feel right if he didn't help

Bulma: c'mon Sasuke your with me right

Sasuke: it wouldn't hurt

Bulma let out a loud sigh as they came upon the ocean she eventually used a aircraft from her capsule and flew to the island

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