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Goku arrived on master Roshi's island courtesy of the nimbus, the young boy climbed through the window and spotted his soon to be teacher watching TV of young women doing yoga

Goku: master Roshi!!!

Roshi was so enthralled that he didn't hear Goku calling him until Goku decided to scream in his ears, Roshi was scared out of his wits Goku then asked him if he had anything to eat as he was hungry, Roshi hold him to check in the fridge as he went back watching TV. Goku took out some eggs, meat, carrot, lettuce and tomato began making self a meal. The young boy was taught to fend for himself by his deceased grandpa so he wasn't a fool when it comes to Cooking. Roshi finished what he called his 'morning workout ', smelled what Goku ate and had some too asking him questions how he grew up with grandpa Gohan after the reminiscing Goku asked him to train which the old master agreed to under one condition if he find him a pretty girl, Goku obliged and set of the nimbus while Roshi himself began to get ready for a date, 15 minutes later Sasuke arrived in a air car which he swiped of yamcha

Roshi: oh Sasuke your here

Sasuke: yeah I am hasn't Goku come here yet

Roshi: he's running an errand for me

Sasuke: I see, I was wondering why are you dressed up

Roshi: that's because I have a date

That definitely raised Sasuke's eyebrows as he couldn't imagine a man of Roshi's age to be dating

Sasuke: so when will we start training

Roshi: I would say right after my date

Sasuke: okay then I'll have look inside your house

Roshi: knock yourself out kid

Another 15 minutes later Goku came back with a girl with blue hair and blue eyes wearing a red ribbon in her hair as Roshi introduced himself, the turtle hermit panicked has he thought turtle was back but it was short boy with a bald head and six dots on his forehead, he introduced himself as krillin and that he wished to train under Roshi

Roshi: I already have two gifted students why should I train you

Krillin: feast your eyes on this master Roshi

Roshi got excited as he was shown porno mags courtesy of krillin

Sasuke: (what a perv)

Master Roshi finally accepted and took him in as a student


After his failed date as the girl known has launch was discovered to have another side a crazier side when she sneezed, master Roshi and the others definitely have never seen anyone with split personality, the minute she sneezed she pulled an AK 47 and tried to put holes in them which everyone dodged luckily the wind blew her hair has it tickled her nose and she transformed back into her good side, she then proceeded to Make dinner has they trained

Krillin: wow that was scary I've never seen someone with split personality before

Roshi: krillin you shouldn't be scared your a Martial artist

Krillin: yes sorry about that master

Sasuke:(hmph says the guy who ran away)

Roshi: this is going to be your first assignment, this is to let me see how well versed you are

Roshi drew his turtle school symbol on a stone and threw into the a bush with wild animals

Krillin: how are we going to find that stone it's impossible

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