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The next morning arrived sooner than expected as spectators bustled to see the fight, Bulma, oolong and puar was also looking to see the prelims to see Goku, yamcha, krillin and Sasuke and cheer them on the problem his they couldn't get in which Bulma decided to use oolong has a foot stool


Krillin: so much people there's got to be a hundred of participants

Goku: yeah but they haven't been trained by master Roshi

Sasuke: he's right you shouldn't worry about these weaklings

Yamcha: hey guys what's up

Goku: yamcha are you excited

Yamcha: you bet, I can't wait to see how strong you and Sasuke have gotten

Sasuke: I hope you don't run yamcha

Yamcha: still feisty aren't you kid

After the brief conversation everyone went over to pick Thier block number, Sasuke was chosen in block 1, Goku got block 2, followed by yamcha and krillin in block 3 and 4 respectively

The prelims began as each contestants were called by the number they selected and the first of our heroes was Goku who easily beat a muscle bound man by a finger, yamcha easily dispatched a guy who wore karate clothes, Sasuke easily defeated a judo wrestler by flash stepping behind him and gave him a tap on the shoulder and he fell out of the ring, krillin was being mocked by two students from his former dojo

Goku: krillin why do you make them talk to you like that

Krillin: everything they say it's true Goku

Sasuke: don't be a idiot your much stronger than the guy

Goku: yeah, remember when I said you should hold back don't bother, show him what you can do

Krillin: are you sure

Goku: yes I'm sure

Krillin: alright here goes

Krillin stepped in the ring has his former training partner continued with the taunt, the referee signaled the start as the guy went to attack krillin quickly dodged which the bald boy was surprised of his speed, his former teammate was so surprised he didn't see when krillin moved to attack, he was kicked through a wall which left his imprint on it, everyone who watched went eyed except for Goku, Sasuke and yamcha. The tournament continued as the z fighters breezed through the prelims, Bulma, oolong and puar was able to watch the last part when Thier friends qualified for the main event, as the prelims ended the gang met up with Bulma and the others

Bulma: way to go guys

Sasuke: tch it was hardly a warm up

Goku: I agree

Yamcha: well we shouldn't take it easy for the main thing

Krillin: by the way we're is Master Roshi

Bulma: ya know I was wondering the same thing, I bet his off peaking in the ladies room

Sasuke: (I wouldn't be surprised)

Goku: I'll see if he's in the crowd

Goku asked someone to give him a boast so he could look for master Roshi which he spotted in the thick crowd of people approaching them

Bulma: you missed your students qualifying for the tournament

Roshi: I'm sorry you see I went and got you this shirt, so you could put it on so you know I could see your boobs

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