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Kyoto, Japan was bustling with people who trying to get home as it was getting late it was orangish-red shade of the sun that was setting in the background, even night time couldn't stop the hustling and bustling of the city, but for one man it was a annoyance that man was Sasuke Uchiha the man who appeared in a new world four years ago. His training journey had gone well has he was able to hone his skills in taijutsu, genjutsu, ninjustu and a even a good amount of fuinjutsu which he red upon, his ki control was definitely a huge improvement has he could now form ki blasts, fly, sense energy (which he already could) and he even learned his master's Kamehameha wave which he incorporated in his arsenal of attacks by adding his chakra natures to it, he still wanted to learn how to awaken the mangekyo sharingan which he red about before coming to this world, he still didn't stress it though as his growth in power was outstanding he was now at a high jonin level (basically Hebi Sasuke and you could say his outfit is the same around the time of forming team Hebi). He was even able to find what he was looking for as he thought he needed a katana, sure he had his other ninja tools but he felt right with a katana as his kenjutsu skills were in a league of it's own. But right now he was out getting groceries has he ran out, stopping in a dark alley he flew away without anyone seeing him


Reaching his apartment door he unlocked it and headed in the kitchen where he put the groceries in fridge and cabinet, he then dragged himself to his room to lay down, two more weeks the Uchiha reminded himself has he looked at the picture frame of his friends on the wall, Bulma was able to gift it to him for his birthday a year ago he thanked her and told her he was surprised she remembered, Bulma chastised him that she would be a bad friend if she didn't. Sasuke closed his eyes as he remembered is conversation with someone a couple days ago


Sasuke wasn't much of a sporting guy who would go out for a movie with a friend or girl, it wasn't like he didn't want a relationship he wanted a good and honest girl who liked him for him not some fawn over him for his looks, money and power, he was looking for a girl to restore his clan with he wanted a girl who was strong, beautiful, would put him in his place if he stepped out of line and could get along with his friends. It was Friday night and Sasuke was bored so he went out to patrol, it wasn't like he was some sort of hero he told himself but he would help anyone even it was a minor thing has been mugged, the Raven haired didn't find anything out of the ordinary and went to test skills on a training area he got from Azazel a fallen angel leader who took interest in his powers, sasuke was shocked that he was discovered as he thought he was doing a good job of hiding his presence, he did sense level of abnormal demonic power but didnt follow upon until Azazel confronted him, he quickly formed a Bond with the man who took a liking to the young Uchiha, Sasuke asked what made him discover his presence, Azazel told him when he fought a stray devil who thought he was a weak human, Sasuke being Sasuke pried information out of the man learning of the three great faction and the great war which dealt all sides a huge blow. Sasuke reached the training area and began practicing his shuriken skills, he remembered the same routine his older brother used as he trained, Thier was a field full of training dummies where tested his ninjustu on

Sasuke: chidori stream!!!!!!

A stream of lightning surged from his body has he destroyed most of the dummies, he then awakened his sharingan and withdrew his katana from it's holster and sliced the dummies head off, he then sensed someone spying

Sasuke: come on out you old crow

Azazel: not bad, not bad at all your detection skills are still top notch Sasuke

Sasuke: what do you want

Azazel: can't a old friend say hi

Sasuke: cut the bullshit your asking favor aren't you

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