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Raynare woke up stretching as she remembered her night before with Sasuke, she looked and didn't spot her raven haired lover

Raynare: he always does this when I want to cuddle

She went in took a shower and brushed her teeth and headed downstairs where she expected Sasuke to cook breakfast

Sasuke: your finally up

Raynare: yeah it's kinda your fault we stayed out late

Sasuke: is it

Raynare: don't play dumb

Received a plate of eggs, bacon and buttered bread with a cup of coffee from the Raven head who kissed her and exclaimed he needed to shower as they had a tournament to go to


Sasuke: is everything packed I don't want to leave anything that me and you are going to need it would be a hassle to double back for them

Raynare: yep I'm pretty sure everything is accounted for

Sasuke saw his girlfriend biting her lip and knew something was worrying her, he figured it was a habit she did when she was nervous

Sasuke: your nervous what's wrong

Raynare: um yeah it's nothing

Sasuke: Raynare!!!!

Raynare: ya know it's just..... I'm kinda nervous to meet your friends, what if, what if they don't like me

Sasuke: don't worry be yourself, they are going to like you, especially Bulma and launch, you'll get along with them fine

With everything packed the couple drove to the airport that would take them to Papaya island. Onboard Sasuke and Raynare just listened music while they snuggled, well Raynare was mostly asleep as she wasn't a usual early riser like her boyfriend


The world martial arts tournament as always been a huge event kept every three years, spectators always came out to watch who was the strongest on the planet, for one group they were able to just sign up for the competition as well as meeting with a old friend. Goku got lucky as he swam from half way around the world to get to papaya island he had change into his orange gi with the turtle hermit symbol as he had on a ragged leopard spot clothes that showed half of his torso.He was then able to register with a couple minutes to spare thanks Roshi, but what bewildered them was that they couldn't see Sasuke

Bulma: what's going on I thought he would be here by now, did he mix up the date or something

Oolong: who knows maybe he chickened out

Bulma: shut up oolong Sasuke wouldn't chicken out, I called him a couple weeks ago to remind him he said he remembered

Roshi: don't worry Sasuke must have been here already and registered.... I hope

Yamcha: it's definitely weird and it's hard to pickup his energy through all these people

Goku: don't worry Sasuke will be here he wouldn't miss this

Everyone smiled at Goku's encouragement, it was so nostalgic to have the young boy back

Raynare: you know how to spoil a girl don't you Sasuke

Sasuke: you said you wanted explore little, we have time before the prelims start

Raynare: but still it's nice you got me this strawberry cake

Sasuke: glad you liked it

The couple was so enthralled in the conversation they didn't spot the group in front of them

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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