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Bulma had four dragon balls in her possession with Goku having the other one, which meant they needed two more, on the radar it showed that they had to head to fire mountain which oolong protested against as he told the story of the terrible ox king but Sasuke obviously didn't buy it, unfortunately for Bulma she realized she stupidly forgot her Dynocaps which meant they had to use a boat on their way there oolong tried to escape by turning into a fish because he wasn't Risking his life against the ox king but Bulma ironically used her underwear to lure him out has Goku caught him, oolong protested heavily of not going to fire mountain Sasuke called him a coward as oolong didn't shy for the fact that he was, unfortunate for the gang the boat ran out of gas which Bulma asked oolong to turn into gas but he explained it wasn't possible, Goku protested that he was hungry, oolong piped up that he was too Bulma gave him a vitamin in pill form which he hastily ate, oolong reluctantly then turned himself into a paddle has they got to land


Sasuke: hey Bulma how long until we reach fire mountain

Bulma: it depends I would say a day from here

Oolong: well I'm not going so goodbye

Bulma: I don't think so piggy, piggy

Oolong suddenly felt his stomach churned has he had to go to the bathroom

Sasuke: that pill wasn't vitamins was it

Bulma: yeah it's to stop him from trying anything I expected oolong would try to escape

Goku: hehehe that's pretty smart Bulma

Bulma: thanks

Oolong came out back with a roll of toilet paper which he explained he brought

Bulma: now you won't be able to try anything or I'll say piggy

Oolong: I'm telling you fire mountain isn't a good thing, we should just forget about the dragon ball

Bulma: I've come too far to give up

Sasuke: (she's really determined to wish for a boyfriend huh)


The gang came upon a desert wasteland as they headed to fire mountain, oolong felt like there were being watched, Bulma felt like she was going to die of dehydration Sasuke and Goku were better of has they experienced hot times like this


A blue cat was spying on the gang through a telescope he reiterated what he saw to a handsome young man with long black hair

???: hey puar since we have company we shouldn't keep them waiting

Puar: yes sir

The mysterious man and puar got out a capsule as they used a flying car to close in on Thier targets


Sasuke: seems like you and oolong aren't used to the weather we should take a break

Bulma: thank God I'm dying of thirst here

Oolong: this heat is going to turn me into roast pork

Goku: I could go for roast pork

Oolong: ofc you could

Bulma took shelter from the sun has she lay down to rest, the mysterious man and his trusted friend puar came upon the gang in a flash

???: look what we have here fresh Lamb to the slaughter, everyone here this is a robbery and your in yamcha the desert bandit territory

Oolong: oh no Goku and Sasuke you can take this guy right

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