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The semi final contestants were given a one hour break to recooperate in that time Sasuke, Goku, krillin and yamcha went off to find Bulma and the others. Master Roshi disguised as Jackie Chun knew he had something to do, so he met up with Nam who was sadly going home after congratulating sasuke on his victory was confronted by Roshi who gave him capsule which could store a lot of water as it was plentiful in the city, Nam asked how he knew so much Roshi explained how he red his mind and saw him and his people's struggle, Nam thank master Roshi profusely and asked if their was anything he could do for him, Roshi explained it to him if he could disguise himself as him as he entered the tournament as Jackie Chun as he feared his students would win and lose the motivation to train and get stronger and to remind them that there was always someone stronger than them, Nam agreed


Bulma: hey have any you seen Roshi

Krillin: yeah it's weird I thought he would be watching us, I wanted to show him well we did

Goku: he must be around here

Sasuke: I'm sure he's around here somewhere

Yamcha: hey there he is

Yamcha spotted Nam disguised has Roshi

Sasuke: I think I understand why he's disguising himself so the others don't find out, but nice try old man I know it's Nam

That bit of moment gave Roshi the time to cement his alibi

Krillin: hey master did you see us

Roshi: yeah I did you guys did great, I mean to ask sasuke what was that move you used on Nam

Sasuke: it's called the primary lotus I tell you later, excuse me there is something I need to do

Sasuke left the group wondering what he was up to Roshi told them not to worry has he had good inkling what it was

Sasuke met up with Nam who was heading back to his village after his defeat to the young Uchiha

Nam: Sasuke it's good to see you again

Sasuke: yeah same here, I wanted to ask if you were able to get water for your village

Nam: how did you

Sasuke: I red your mind, sorry about the intrusion it's because I saw you so focused

Nam: nah it's totally fine thanks for the match and yes, Roshi gave me a capsule which I can fill with water

Sasuke: oh good, will you be coming back for the next tournament

Nam: yeah I sure will and I'm going to train to get stronger, I won't lose to you again

Sasuke: hmph, your on Nam bye

Sasuke watched as Nam left the arena and went back has he realized it was almost time for the semis


The crowd cheered as the semis were set to begin krillin and Jackie Chun both entered the ring the both stared down each other as the announcer gave the go ahead


Krillin and Jackie Chun took off engaging each other with kicks and punches to fast for the crowd, Goku and the others could see just fine though, krillin swiped a kick at Jackie's head but he flipped back and elbowed him krillin was outdone has he punched him squarely on the jaw, both continued Thier tremendous assault for a good couple of minutes before they separated to catch Thier breath

Yamcha: not bad both of them are even

Sasuke: no, it may seem that way but krillin his expelling more energy than Jackie Chun, so in other words....

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