Steam ( A Toby McDonough FanFiction)

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"Avery!" Our editor, Preston, yelled for me.

"Coming!" I replied, leaving next weeks article on my desk and coming to his office, which was actually supposed to be a janitors closet but him being Preston completely pimped it out.

"Preston?" I asked, entering his 'office'

"Care to knock?" he asks matter-of-factly, wow does he love this power.

Rolling my eyes, I knocked while leaning on the door,

"There I knocked. Now what's up?" I said, while he finished throwing his darts at a dart board.

"Skylynn can't go to the new club that just opened for her review for next weeks paper, I need you to do it."

"What, why me?" I argued, simply because I'm not used to doing reporting outside of school.

"Because you're probably the best writer on this paper. Besides me, of course." he flipped his blond hair, proud of himself. "I need someone out there tonight."

"But it's Friday! I could have plans!"

"Then make plans at the new Under 21 club, Steam."


"No buts! Leave my office and finish your article on the-the-"

"Hot lunch vs. Cold lunches." I remind him,

"Yeah. That." he says, "Unless of course, you want to stay here?" he smirks,

"Oh yeah totally. That'd make you happy." I said sarcastically, "Me? A little freshman, with you? A junior?" I pretend to swoon before rolling my eyes and slamming the door to go back into the classroom.

Then the bell rings for the end of school, I grab my bag and head for the steps outside of school.

"Avery!" I heard my best friend, Renee, call.

"Ren!" I waved over, as I ran to meet up with her.

Her tanned skin seemed glowing, as her blue eyes were smiling. She ran a hand through her dark brown hair before hugging me.

"So, how was last period?" she smirks, as she nods towards Preston, Ok call me crazy but I've had a bit of a crush on him since I started school here.

"Well I have to go to that new place, Steam, that opened and make a review for the paper."

"I thought reviews were Sky's job?"

"It is, but she is unavailable so I have too." I sigh

"Well cool! I'll go too!"

"Really? Thanks!" I say, happy now I don't have to walk in alone.

"Now back to what I really wanted to know.." She raises her eyebrow, and nudges my binder thats in my hands.

"You know,I would love to just stop liking him. Because sometimes he can be an ass hole. But other times he can be so cute and nice and funny." I stare at him talking and laughing with his friends.

"Everyone says he's a player." Ren reminds me.

"Well it's not like anything will happen, he's a junior. I'm just a freshman. Nothing will happen." we both sigh. Then a honk goes off. "Now as much as I love talking about ass holes I have another one in the car." We both giggle and hug,

"Oh do you need a ride?" Ren lives a block away from me, we usually give rides to eachother,

"No, I have basketball practice til 4:30!"

Steam | Toby McDonough/Before You Exit |Where stories live. Discover now