Chapter 8

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Ren puts the phone back in her pocket,

"You've got to be kidding me!" we both sigh in frustration and turn on our heels,

"Please! Just talk to us!" I hear Toby beg, he should be. 6 months, no word from them, then they just randomly come back? I understand their busy but no phone call, no quick text to say hi?

We stay silent and keep speed walking through the parking lot to go home, with our pizza in hand. Ain't nobody got for dis.

"Ren, Ren please.." by now the boys have caught up to us, Braiden walking in front of Ren backwards to face her. I can see the look on her face: Shock, hatred, hurt. We became so close in such a short time, then they freaking ripped away from us. Completely cut us off. Didn't return OUR calls, texts, or any form of messages.

"Please we can explain!" Toby exclaims, we both stop, and turn to him,

"Alright, give us a good explanation." I command.

"I- Uh- We just-" He stutters,

"Exactly, well, me and my best friend, Renee, have to get back." I say formally, keeping my head down, and going around them.

"Our car is right here, let us take you home!" Braiden replies quickly, stepping in front of us again,

"Sorry, we don't except rides from strangers." Ren shrugs, and we push past them speechless, continuing our way back to my house.

I want to talk to them, and I know Ren does too. But I'm not ready too. They can't just walk in and out of our lives whenever. Me and Ren have experienced that more than enough times. And I'm sick and tired of it.

We spend the rest of the walk in silence, both of us deep in the same thoughts.

"Eric! We're home!" I call, setting down the pizza I'm no longer that hungry for.

"What do we do?" I ask Ren, quietly.

"Not sure, anymore."

"It's like I'm not mad. But I feel like I have too." I admit,

"Oh, I'm mad. I'm pissed off to the brim. They stopped texting because of their stupid girlfriends and I know it, we both do." Ren begins, "I understand, they have other friends. I understand they have perfect, rich, and talented, and beautiful girlfriends that are nice and fun to have around. I understand they might be "out of our league" but to go fucking 6 months without a single hi? That's no friendship of mine. No. I cant even express how much hatred and- I don't know how to describe. I am just so done." she sits on the couch, covering her face with her hands,

"I feel the same way.." I sit down next to her, "Do you wanna continue watching the movies? Let's just turn off our phones, yeah?" I say, pulling out my own phone and turning it off while putting in another movie.

I notice her staring at her phone,

"Staring at the phone won't make it ring. C'mon lets not think about it."

I pop in Peter Pan,

"Hey! I didn't choose this!" Ren playfully protests,

"Yeah well, this movie ALWAYS lifts our spirits up.. so.. too bad." I stick my tongue out and press play.

It doesn't matter how many movies we watch, how much food we eat, after seeing 'them' we can't focus. I hate them.

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