Chapter 11

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A/N: GUYS IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR BEING SO BEHIND ON UPDATES! I meant to do one before I left for my camp, but I kinda forgot :/ So sorry! I tried to make this long! Sorry if it doesnt make a lot of sense.. I kinda need to catch up on sleep 😁. But I will be leaving for Paris (the city in France, not the character(: ) In about 2 hours though! So if I have time there will be another one while I'm there (July 8-16th) If not when I get back! I'll be writing on the plane!

So I'll stop rambling,

Please Comment & Vote it helps me realize i need to update quicker!!! Thank you xx enjoy the chapter!


"Avery!" A familiar voice yells, I get really happy,

"Drew?" I turn around to see a the boy from my Science class. He's new this year, I gave him the tour on his first day. He's really pretty.

"Hey! How are you?" He asks, giving me a hug,

"Great! How about you?" I smile, and straighten my Batman shirt awkwardly, oh god, look pretty, don't be nasty.

"Im feeling really good, now." He smiles, that's when I see Toby's hoodie in the corner of the small restaurant, Oh yeah.

Well I've waited 6 months he can wait a few minutes.

"Your in the fall play, Little Mermaid, right?" Drew asks, bringing me back to him,

"Yeah! I am." I nod,

"Cool, I think I'm going on Friday."

"Oh really?" Well nervousness meter just shot up through the roof.

"Yeah and I was thinking maybe after the show, if you weren't too tired you could join me and like some other people to go out for frozen yogurt or something?" He asks, my heart flutters, oh my gosh he's so attractive,

"I'd love too!" I smile, trying to hide how much I actually am happy.

"Great! So uh, I'll text you?" He asks, holding his arms out for a hug, which I happily oblige.

"Alright, Bye." I wave to him as we part ways, bitting my top lip trying to hid my smile as I look over to Toby, remembering why I'm here.

Aw shit.

I get in line for my food instead of walking over, I'll get there.

When I get my food, then begin to walk over. His face hidden by sunglasses and his grey hoodie.

"Could you look any more suspicious?" I say as i sit down, He doesn't say anything, but I can tell he probably rolled his eyes,

"Who were you talking too?" He asks, a bit seriously,

"Why do you care?" I say, almost a bit too harshly, "Sorry.." I sigh, calming down, "Just a friend."

"Just a friend my ass-"

"I didn't come here to be questioned on who is my friend or not. I'd rather question who the hell you think you are and why you thought it was okay to do that." I ask, cutting him off. Toby looks around, making sure nobody was even looking our direction,

"I think we should be somewhere less public.."

"Why? Sorry if big hot shot musician can't be seen with nobody high school student." I stare at him through his sunglasses.

"Avery, you know thats not true."

"Then give me an explanation, here."

"Okay." his voice is hushed to a whisper as he tries to keep his face to the window,

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