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I moved faster than I ever had

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I moved faster than I ever had.

Grabbing the back of her neck with one hand to drag her inside whilst Astra sprung into slamming the door shut. I tried to move to grab her arm but the sound of Astra and I's chains chiming reached my ears as her hand was going in a completely new direction.

The second we took to realise our mistake made the human shoot out the hand I tried to grab to punch me in the neck. I choked, tripping backwards as my right hand went to grab my neck and Astra was yanked forward with our chain causing all three of us to fall over.

"You bitch," I wheezed as I coughed to clear my throat. She made eye-contact with me again and I was too slow to realise what she was about to do until Astra slapped her hand over her mouth. I lunged for her hands and straddled her to pin her arms to the floor whilst keeping her body down.

I lifted her right wrist up and slammed her communicator repeatedly on the floor until I heard a satisfying crack.

"Keep her quiet whilst I grab that," Astra told me gesturing to Kofi's now open office closet door that had a ready-to-wear suite inside. I nodded and she let go but before the human could scream this time I spoke first.

"If you open your mouth you will fucking regret it."

Her surpise was long enough for Astra to grab the tie which I used to bind her struggling hands behind her back. She moved to kick me and I grabbed her foot before it got close. "You don't look like you've broken a bone before either, don't make me give you a new experience."

I dragged her with her curly hair wrapped around my fist to Kofi's desk whilst Astra took one of Kofi's socks and stuffed it in her mouth, before she could spit it out I had slapped some tape over her mouth. "I'm sorry, they're clean I promise," Astra apologised making me roll my eyes.

Taking all three of us by surprise a knock came to the door next. I cursed underneath my breath, ignoring the angry eyes of the human whilst I approached the door. "Kofi! I got some

Files from Ambrose here, my hands are all full so can you come get them quickly?"

I gestured to Astra to kick my helmet towards me and she did so but the helmet ended up flying directly off course making me have to dive to catch it in time. I threw it on, doing a lousy job tucking my hair into it and stuffed my lower arms back into my suit whilst Astra moved the human behind where the door would open.

She gave me a thumbs up and I nodded before throwing the door open to reveal a complete stranger with a friendly smile. "We were just gonna send these to you in the mail but Ambrose heard you were in here and told us to give them to you directly, easier that way you know?"

I nodded absentmindedly as he loaded a bunch of papers into my arms, trying my best to not pant as if I'd just ran a marathon as my adrenaline wore off. He didn't seem to notice and tried to poke his head in until I stepped in front of his prying eyes, not eager for him to see the mess we'd made during the scuffle.

"No need to be possesive, the office is all yours," He joked, "I just heard Teegan was in here with you and thought I'd say hi."

"She went back home."

"Oh so can you pass a message to her for me from-

"Bye now," I cut him off, slamming the door in his face.

I met Astra's dissapproving gaze as soon as I closed the door. "Oh cry me a river," I scoffed.

"What? Are you going to accuse Teegan of fucking him too?"

"You said it, not me," I shrugged sinking to the floor to address our new prisoner.

"I can't believe we got caught it's been like two freaking days," Astra sighed.

I ran my eyes over the human that was looking anywhere but at me, her face was all red and her posture was defiant but I knew what I saw in her eyes when she first saw me. Fear. I rolled stretched my fingers out a bit whilst Astra rambled on about how bad this was before punching the human as hard as I could across the face.

Before the human could completely topple over in pain I grabbed her jaw tightly to keep her upright. "That didn't feel good did it?" I asked, wiping a tear from her eye with my thumb whilst the other one rolled down her face. "I hope this wasn't already a shitty day for you Connie, because it's about to get a lot fucking worse."

Astra had long fallen asleep but the human stayed wide awake, before she'd shut her eyes Astra had started to feel guilty and had evern provided a cushion for the human to sit on but when the human attempted to smother her with it she'd quickly lost that privelage.

"You should probably get some sleep, this is gonna be a long couple of days for you," I advised her as I crouched down to pick up a sleeping Astra so I could move her to the more comfortable couch. She shifted in my arms, snuggling into my chest as I slowly put her down, making sure to adjust her so that she wouldn't be laying on her bad arm.

Connie mumbled something to me, making me look at her. "What was that?" I asked her as I knelt down so that we could be eye level and as I moved closer she began to pull back, the fire in her eyes dying. My eyes fell on her cheek "That's a nasty bruise, must have been a rough fall," I chuckled, poking her face making her flinch "Should I call someone for you? I recently became a doctor you know."

At the mention of Kofi her eyes went glassy and she began to breathe heavily, practically heaving with anger. "What? Nothing else to say?" I tilted my head before smacking my forehead playfully "Oh right." I lifted my fingers to the tape beside her mouth and ripped it off.

"I'm going to enjoy seeing you in chains," She spat at me.

"Kinky," I laughed, before patting her bruised cheek, "There's not a creature in this building that could lay hands on me in a fair fight," I lifted up my hands to show my handcuffs, "And with these off there's not a person in this galaxy that could breathe near me," I poked her her head, "I killed your friends," I poked her again "I'm gonna kill your leader," My finger pressed against her skull "And you're a dead too, you just don't know it yet."

Her bottom lip wobbled "You're fucking sick hey? Killing a pregnant women."

I leaned into her so that our noses were almost touching "I don't care if Teegan was going to give birth to the savior of earth. Now that I know who she was I would kill her again for fucking free."

"You're outnumbered," She blew a blonde curl out of her face. "And you can't fucking keep me here forever, quiet at least."

I scratched the side of my face as if I was thinking, "Alive? You're right probably not," I grabbed the peice of tape again "But you should think about how much you enjoy having teeth whilst you're in here," I slapped the tape over her mouth again and she let me, "And remember, you don't need a tongue to be a prisoner."

I walked over to the door and poked my head out of it, looking down both hallways before going to shake Astra awake. She groaned and turned over "Why can't you pick us both up, Sunshine?" she whined.

"Because you can walk," I reminded her, still shaking her shoulder. I went to Connie and leaned over, roughly grabbing her as she continued to move around before throwing her over my shoulder. "C'mon we have to make it to you office before anyone sees us," I told a moping Astra as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

"Be easy with her," She mumbled, looking worriedly at Connie.

"You hear that human? Astra said behave."

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