Adam x fem reader

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Adam, was laying on the double bed that you too shared staring at his phone not paying attention to anything going on around him. At this point you and Adam had been dating for over a year now. A whole year of dealing with his childish ass. "Adam I'm going out" you say pressing your lips together as you walked into the room in a midi red tight dress that split up your left thigh with black glittery heels. You had your hair down and straight in Adam's favourite way however ruffling it to create some texture. You really took pride in how you look. Crimson red lip stick covered your lips with a face of makeup on. Not to exaggerated tho. It was quite the minimum really.

He quickly glanced up not really looking ,now steering his glance back to his phone until swiftly looking back up realising something that shocked him. Clearly.
"Bitch where the fuck do you think  you are going looking like that"
He said brows frowning as almost as if he was concerned. It made you laugh looking at his expression.
"I told you Adam I'm going out with f/n" you said  with a smile, turning you back towards your Cabnet which held your jewellery safe and kept the section clean. He stared at you in disbelief quickly chucking himself off the bed and standing up walking towards you. Before you noticed him get up of the bed you stood struggling to put a necklace on , one to match your stunning outfit ,but before you were able to clasp the chain a pair of rough hands grabbed your waist with a firm but soft grip. You smirk parting your lips as if to say something however was interrupted when you felt hot air hit your ear making you shiver.
"You're not going out dressed like that. Either put something else on, something which doesn't make me wanna rip you open or get that sexy ass on the bed." The angel said smacking your ass.
A red glaze filled your cheeks. Your lips trembled thinking of the ways Adam could satisfy every inch off your body. As quick as the thoughts of your mind were running you turned around facing him. kissing his raw lips now staining them crimson red from the lipstick you had previously applied. After a while you separated a grin appearing from his face as if he was a predator and you were his prey. Backing you up against the wall he grabs the back of your neck pushing you into a rough kiss smearing the lipstick from your lips. The childish man's tongue glided your lip waiting for acceptance until the gates to his heaven opened. After a few teases you obliged and separated them letting his tongue twist and turn against yours. It wasn't long before you ended up on the bed , ripping Adam's cloths off with one hand and grabbing his dirty blond/brown hair as his kissed your neck covering your neck with Saliva. Before Adam was able to take your dress off you were rudely interrupted by the door bell. The bell scratched and lasted for about 15 seconds. You both ignore it Adam moaning into your neck and u tug in his hair gliding one hand up and down his bare chest, finally thinking the bell wouldn't go again the bell rung again, and again and again as if a child was pressing the button. Clearly it was important so we chucked a shirt on and left you sprawled out on the bed a panting mess. Adam took longer than expected so  after calming down you collected your self together and ran yourself a bath hoping to get rid of some of the marks Adam's teeth had left on you.

Adam walked back into the bedroom after about 20 minutes realising you weren't on the bed "holy fuckin shit balls where did she go??" He asks himself before hearing humming and water running from the bathroom. "Move from the door bitch I'm coming through" she shouted running into the door whacking it open.
"What the fuck. It wasn't locked fat ass"
You replied sitting in the bath bubbles covering you body while rolling your eyes. The peace didn't last long before getting splashed with water as he jumped into the bath. How eager must he be you didn't even see him get naked. You peered over to the floor to see no cloths lying there. Well only yours of course. He had gotten in with his cloths. Adam laughed like a child looking at the confused look on your face you must have been zoned out. before you could pull yourself together you zoned back in being pulled into a soft kiss.
"Oh how I do love you adam"
You say after separating from his soft red stained lips.
"Psh.. duh who doesn't I'm the fuckin dick master for fuck sake ! Hah!"
He said laughing at himself before calming down and kissing your forehead
"I love you to my love..."


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