Adam x fem reader -morning rays

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Requested by @daisybrown658

The morning rays shone through the couples bedroom blinds. Adam had awoken from this. The sun glaring onto his precious y/n's face. Looking at her sleeping peacefully with the golden stripes painted across her face from the sun, he couldn't help but smile. Although adam can be a complete ass hole sometimes, moments like this shows his true colours. His compassion and patience while waiting for his lover to wake up. Adam held his girlfriend closer stroking her hair as if she was a cat.

Y/N felt soft hands graze her face and hair before slowly waking up and opening her eyes to see he head caressing his chest. Seeing adam like this only made her blush. She loved the way she felt in his warm embrace. She parted her lips going to greet her boyfriend until a deep and hoarse voice grumbled "fuck Y/N. You're so beautiful..i love your hair..your smell..your voice..i just..I love you.." he said placing his nose in her hair as if sniffing it. You decided to stay silent for a while nuzzling his neck until fulling moving up so he knew you were awake. "Morning bi-" he was cut off with you softly pressing your lips against his. The kiss was soft but long. Slowly separating for air. "Morning handsome" you said. Adam thought to himself while blushing "handsome is a new one." He quickly verbally answered her "don't interrupt me bitch." He said stubborn acting like he hadn't blurted out his feelings earlier that morning. As you pull away staring to climb out of bed you're instantly pulled back into Adam's lap your chest laying on his. It was sweet and comforting until a sharp sting spread across your backside. "Did he really just slap my ass" you thought before feeling a rubbing sensation as if he felt wrong for doing so. Some time had passed and it was time to get out of bed and go to work. You and adam work together, it's actually how you met, and how you learned how to deal with his behaviour. Lookin after that man is like babysitting however instead of money your payed in kisses and the occasional massage.
While getting dressed you notice adam putting his mask on. You walk up to him only wearing a bra with a shirt over it which was long covering your bare bottom half.
"You look so much more handsome without that mask.." you say trying to take it off but fuck is it heavy. Adam helped confused on where this was coming from. "Y/N.. can I admit something..?" Your eyes widened maybe he was bout to say the most romantic thing ever! Maybe oh maybe he was going to tell you he wants to get married. Adam thought of saying something cheesy untill a smirk appeared on his face "your tits look good in that bra." A small frown appears on your face however you giggle knowing adam would never willingly show affection towards you unless he really wanted to. You didn't mind that though because you know, especially from this morning he will whisper his sweet symphonies in your ear while you sleep.

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