Adam x reader - awaiting the part

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//hi guys so this is a request I had from my friend and it was Adam x reader on earth. I know Adam is the first man and he like only was apart of Eden however I thought it would be cool. This will be in 3rd person/

"Shit I'm gonna be late for work" the short girl exclaimed rushing to get her shoes on before grabbing her keys and running out the door. Y/N was a waitress at a small cafe in town, she loved talking to people so she thought it was the perfect job for her. Obviously it wasn't her dream job, she longed to be an actress, to be seen on the big screen however shortly was loosing hope as it was unlikely to happen. While rushing to work she held a short novel in her hands reading over lines for her upcoming audition, she's been to many before but never had any call backs. Before she was able to finish reading her lines she had bumped into a tall , slightly built man. Her herself was a bit on the pudgier side she soon felt intimidated and looked down apologising while teacher for her book.
"Bitch watch where your...going" he said staring in her beautifully coloured eyes as she stood up looking up at him while holding her novel. He quickly coughed, clearing his throat looking at her face as a piece of hair fell in front of her eyes.
"I am so sorry sir!!" The girl said hoping for forgiveness and quickly looking at the time on her watch. The man shrugged and she quickly rushed away not taking his eyes of her. After seeing her go off in the distance a groan was heard escaping his stomach. "Fuck, I forgot to eat this morning" the strange man said turning around heading in the direction of the girl not knowing where he should eat. He made his way to a small cafe on the corner, peaking in the windows he spotted the beautiful girl he had ran into earlier, before he could thing his feet moved beneath his leading him into the cafe. He had walked to the counter asking for a cappuccino. Y/n couldn't help but notice the man from earlier sitting down at a corner table by the window. After being called over by the barista she hands you a coffee and sends you over to the corner table. You looked down as you approached the table. "Cappuccino for..." your eyes scanned the receipt looking for the name to make sure it was the correct customer.
"Adam." The man said his eyes scanning your body. "And what's your name.. gorgeous" he said with a smirk not knowing if he was being serious or not.
"O-oh! My name is Y/N" you say with a smile tilting your head. As you put his coffee on the table you turn around to walk away.
"Beautiful name for a sexy lady." He pouts looking at your bottom half which was covered by a black pencil skirt and tights. You could only blush by the encounter as return to the coffee machine looking to finish the rest of your orders before leaving for your audition. Before you left you looked back at the table your mystery man was sitting at only to see an empty cup and a note of paper. As you grabbed your bits he walked up the table noticing he had left his number on a bit of tissue. You swiftly picked it up hoping it was for you and placed it in your pocket heading to your audition.
Sitting in the waiting room was nerve wracking however the only way y/n could focus was by fiddling her fingers while staring at the tissue with Adam's number on it. Before thoughts could form it was the stressed girls turn. Y/N walk in to see a a woman and man sat there. The woman was blonde and beautiful , her waist thin and her face, dressed with makeup. Y/N on the other hand had a coffee stained white shirt on, hair in a messy bun and your body no where near matching hers. The man on the other hand smirked as he looked in the waitress's direction , it took a moment to process but before long she realised it was Adam.

Your eyes watering as you got into character.
"W-what do you mean you hate me...after EVERYTHING we have been through.. " the girl said before tears could stain your cheeks you where interrupted by Adam. "We'll be in touch." You nodded and walked out but not long after Adam chasing her down the hall.
"Y-Y/N wait!!" He said out of breath , his hands placed in his knees as he's hunched over catching his breath. Swiftly y/n turned around looking at him.
Her face glazing red as their eye stared into each other. "did you get my note." He said eyes still tearing up her body, looking as if he could see underneath her cloths. The girl couldn't speak her words clogging her throat unable to escape. She could only nod. After seeing her nod he smiled quickly dropping it acting like he didn't care "psh , I fucking knew you couldn't resist this sexy hunk" he stated acting like he wasn't previously blushing at the thought of her.
Y/n could only giggle still being choaked by her words. You went to walk away but Adam grabbed the shy girls behind making her let out a squeal. He pulled her into him by her waist "call me later baby." He whispered in her ear kissing her neck before walking away.
The poor girl told there in shock for about 5 minutes before composing her self and taking the tissue out of her pocket. "I guess I could give him a message.." she says grabbing her phone of her pocket and giving Adam a message deciding whether to be bold or not. Quickly she types
"Hey Adam" before quickly getting a response
"Hey angel cake"

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