Adam x fem reader.

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(Guys I haven't actually been motivated in ages so I'm rlly sorry this is so bad)

It was the day of the extermination, I quickly made my way up in the ranks, overtaking lute in becoming Adam's best exorcist. He said my violence and discipline towards the low life sinners was sexy. I can't lie when the objectifying man would complement me it did send me butterflies however I had to be stern, not fold into his tricks.

It had been hours since the extermination had finished and I was searching from Adam, he was left alone in the ground. His halo missing. I quickly flew over to him to check him out. Before I could get up to him I noticed the golden blood pouring out of him. I quickly dropped to my knees beside him and held his head. My eyes starting to water.
"Adam..Adam wake up goddamit."
I screamed shaking his unmasked head and gently slapping it to get a Reaction. I ripped my mask off to inspect him clearly and closer. He was still breathing however it was slow. The only reaction I got out of the man was a soft smile.
"Pull it together sir...fuck sake."
I reached into my pocket, I usually kept a suitor kit incase I busted a wing during the extermination lucky I had it on me. I felt his breathing become irregular as I held onto his head my tears hitting his bare face.
"Cmon Adam..let's get you somewhere abit safe..please hand in there please.."
his eyes slowly opened as his weak face nodded slightly. I chucked his arms over my shoulders and dragged him into an ally way. I sat him against the wall as I took his cloak and top off him. His body was amazing I thought as I tried to not blush. I grabbed my suitor kit and began to stitch his pale and limp body together. The stab wound was deep and large however it was an easy long as he stayed awake. He would try to dose off however when the needle punctured his skin it instantly shot him up his face wincing in pain.

"Fuck sake dickhead. hold still for a fucking moment will you."

I said getting angry at myself as I wasn't there to protect him, I am meant to be his number one exterminator and I couldn't kill the rancid scum who stabbed him. After he was all stitched I large bandage wrapped around his chest. I slapped his cheeks a couple of times trying to get the reaction I wanted out of him.

"Back..the fuck up bitch jeez.."
The angel said as my eyes lit up seeing he was able to speak. I stood up and looked down at him reaching my hand down hoping he would take it to stand up.

"Fuck sugar tits, give me a minute I literally almost died."
He said before shortly taking my hand to stand up.

Days had passed and Adam was staying in my house in heaven. He rested in my bedroom so I can make sure he was okay. After all he did die. The baby like angel seemed to become comfortable and tried order me around like a maid. I think the fuck not. Adam was all snuggled into my bed as if he was a 4 year old, I walked into my bedroom wearing a shirt red dress, with gold hoops and heels  with a black jacket and bag. My h/c hair up in a slick back ponytail.

"I'm going out. Food is in the cupboard." I say rummaging for a bracket in my jewellery box.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going huh dressed like a whore?" The fatass angel said confidently and confused.

"Excuse me. Why do you care sir." I said finally putting my bracket on my wrist until I felt a pair of hands grip me from behind.
"I can't have any other man's eyes on you now can I sugar tits." He said his Lips pressing against my ear as his hot breath hit it, sending sharp shivers down my back. I tried to walk away from his grip but was forcefully pulled back into his chest. "Cmon baby~ get into bed with the dickmaster hm? Il show you a fucking mind blowing time~" he said gently nibbling at my ear.
"Sir-" I tried to say before getting rudely interrupted with an erotic growl in my ear.
"You calling me sir is only turning me on more." He said gliding his hands to the back on my neck. His fingers slid into my hair gently tugging on it and his lips met my neck. I closed my eyes as I felt his teeth sink down on my neck leaving love bites. Small groans escape my lips untill I felt him stop for a second
"Good girl~"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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