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Just breathe Lucifer, you're only visiting your daughter's crappy hotel. Lucifer rapped on the door with his knuckles, adjusting his bow tie and pulling at his collar. He shouldn't be so nervous, he had made up with Charlie months ago. There was no threat of extermination anymore and her band of misfits seemed welcoming too - at least, most of them. Regardless, he had visited a few times to say hello, and he had even dropped off a few gifts to help with the decoration for the hotel - which were promptly destroyed (admittedly, he should've known that rubber duck replicas of each member of the hotel was going to be mistaken as roaches by Niffty). But this is the day he asks if he can move in, he was sick of being lonely.

There was a loud thud from behind the closed doors and a jeer from presumably Angel Dust, with his Italian-American accent. The grand doors opened to reveal Vaggie, with her hair blown over to one side, exposing her (or lack of) eye. Her eye widened as she realised that this was her soon-to-be father in law. She cleared her throat, fixed her hair and stood a little straighter.

"Sir! We weren't expecting you to be visiting?"

"Please don't call me sir, it makes me feel old."

"You are old-"

"Where's my darling Charlie? You have better been looking after her!" Lucifer strolled in, examining the hotel for any new renovations, it was still as barren as ever. Angel Dust and Husk were by the bar, Niffty was dusting the banisters and Sir Pentious... well, he wasn't there.

"She's with Alastor, I can go grab them if you want?" Alastor. Lucifer hated that deer. Who was he to think he was a better parental figure to Charlie than her actual father was? Not to mention that shit-eating grin he wore at all times and his stupid lanky, tall figure. Lucifer in contrast was short and compact, which wasn't helpful when trying to intimidate his enemies.

"Dad?" There was his beautiful daughter! Her hair was tied back as usual and in her regular attire, she slid down the banister of the stairs, almost kicking Niffty in the head. She launched herself at Lucifer, engulfing him in a hug. Her sweet scent brought such comfort to him, he missed his family.

"Ah, so the King of Hell decided to bless us with his presence!" The crimson deer beamed creepily from the top of the stairs, his fingers cradling the top of his radio cane. Lucifer grimaced and flipped him off behind Charlie's back, but he contorted his face into an unsettled grin as Charlie pulled away.

"What are you doing here Dad? Your next visit isn't due for another week!"

Lucifer stumbled his words, how could he possibly ask to move in so casually, and around her friends too? "Is it possible we can talk in private?"

"Nuh uh, I want to know what the King of Hell has to say." Angel Dust grabbed his martini and swirled it idly. Lucifer shot the spider sinner a look, before clearing his throat.

"I wanted to move into the Hazbin Hotel! Y'know, to see my daughter and her friends! I'm also incredibly lonely and need constant attention." Lucifer spoke quickly and clumsily, especially the last part. Everyone fell silent, and the only sound was Niffty's dagger hitting the floor, narrowly missing her target roach. Fat Nuggets squealed.

"I'm sure we have a spare room! Let me check the floor plan and ask Alastor!"

"Why do you need to ask for that prick's permission?"

"Because I'm the hotelier!" Alastor warped behind the King, his shadowed self returning to his regular state. "Really, you shouldn't speak so ill of me, it hurts my feelings."

"Aw Alastor! It's okay, I'm sure Dad didn't mean it!"

"I did." Lucifer deadpanned, and Alastor's eyes narrowed, but his smile never faltered.

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