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Alastor was holed up in his room for the majority of the week, claiming he was sick from bad taste. Lucifer found great delight in finally being free to do whatever he wanted without that damn demon. He could be with Charlie, get to know Vaggie, play with Niffty and drink with Husk and Angel Dust.

Things were looking up, he was beginning to feel welcomed. It was only a few weeks since his first night at the hotel, but he was already feeling like these guys were his family. Alastor was wrong, again - he didn't need Lilith.

Lilith had separated from him after leaving to go to Heaven. Lucifer didn't know her intentions, but she had simply stated that she still loved him, but it was best if they part.

That was seven years ago, and Lucifer still kept the ring. The ring signified that everything was going to be okay, that everything was fine. He would twist it off his finger and polish it until it was shining again, a golden band gleaming in the light. When they had first separated, Lucifer was distraught. He isolated himself from everyone, perfected the art of making rubber ducks (he couldn't count on both hands how many Lilith's he had made) and only contacted Charlie. Unfortunately, it seemed Charlie somewhat found his incessant ringing annoying, and sometimes she would let it go to voice mail. He would eventually fizzle out the calls and they even went a year without talking.

However, that one fateful day where she called him first was a turning point in his life - despite her only calling because she needed something from him. He adored Charlie, he needed his family. When Lilith left to go to Heaven, Charlie was all he had. When it became apparent that she did not want to contact him as often as he would have liked, he fell into a state of depression. He didn't even know if fallen angels could become depressed, but apparently God hated him and gave him low mood for years.

Now he lived with Charlie! He couldn't be happier, he hadn't been this joyful since Charlie was younger and he and Lilith would take it in turns to read a bedtime story to her. He was even beginning to think of the hotel members as his family! Even Alastor, despite his constant teasing and all-round unsettling disposition, was starting to climb his acquaintance list.

It was all going smoothly, Angel Dust and Husk were by the bar, and they were making conversation with Lucifer.

"How are you finding life at the hotel Lucifer?" Husk asked, cleaning a glass with a cloth. Lucifer was drinking some orange juice, it was only 11 in the morning.

"It's great now Alastor is stuck in his room. I might play WAP more often."

"Please don't."

"Please do." Husk and Angel Dust exchanged glances, Husk sending a warning glare and Angel Dust looking innocently, batting his eyelashes.

"I have to ask, why do you guys keep him around?"

"He's not that bad when you're not around. He seems to be threatened by you and tries to soothe himself by proving himself superior." Husk sighed, "he's also the reason I met all my friends... and Angel."

"Aw Husk you flatter me! Just say you want to fuck and I'll be right there."

"Nevermind. I want him to kill me so I never have to serve another drink to this sinner." Lucifer laughed at this, it was nice to finally have friends.

"What are you going to do with all that sexual tension you and Antlers have?" Angel Dust purred, and Lucifer nearly fell off his barstool (it would've been quite the fall).

"Sexual tension? We don't have any."

"You're telling me, if he, for whatever reason, asked to have sex with you. You would say no?"

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