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"I fucked up Husk." Lucifer groaned, tapping the bar for a drink.

"What's new?"

"Okay fuck you."

"Well, you fucked up with your family, your people and now you've fucked up with the Radio Demon."

"You heard?" Lucifer smashed his head against the wood of the bar, and Husk rolled his eyes.

"Most of the pride ring had heard, you hurt his feelings. That in itself is an accomplishment, I didn't know Alastor had feelings."

"He doesn't, I bet it's all an act to get more dad points from Charlie." Husk hummed in agreement as he cleaned out a glass, his fur falling into the glass. Lucifer watched as he placed the fur covered glass back on the shelf and pushed his glass away. He knew the texture of his alcohol was off.

"Are you not going to finish your drink?"

"It has fur in."

"Well sorry for not being naked and being instead covered in luscious fur!"

"That shit is not luscious, you look matted." Husk snarled and grabbed Lucifer's glass and made a horrible gagging noise, his chest fell up and down rapidly. He hacked up a fur ball and it plopped into the drink. He handed it back to Lucifer, who was aghast.

"Here you go, hope this is better."

"You're fucking disgusting." Husk didn't reply, instead he looked behind Lucifer and his ears flattened.

"Dad! You need to apologise to Alastor!" Charlie demanded, and Lucifer slowly swivelled around. Charlie had her arms crossed, and Alastor was beside her, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Everyone heard what you said, it made Alastor upset!"

"He doesn't look upset."

"I told you he wouldn't apologise, his hatred for me is too strong." Alastor dramatically laid a hand on his head, peeking out the corner of his eye with a mischievous glint. The bastard was playing with him! Charlie glared at Lucifer.

"I'm sick of trying to get you guys to get along. This time, you will apologise!" She dragged Lucifer to the centre of the hotel, in front of everyone. Angel Dusk watched in amusement, Vaggie hid behind her hair - she knew what was coming. Even Niffty stopped dusting to spectate this grand gesture. The painting of Sir Pentious overlooked menacingly (if Sir Pentious was ever menacing, that is).

"Now say sorry." Charlie instructed, and she guided Alastor to face the King.

"I'm-" Lucifer looked around, everywhere but Alastor, "sorry."

"For?" Alastor smirked, Lucifer wanted to hit that smile off his face.

"Saying that you don't have a heart." He spat, and Alastor seemed pleased.

"Now shake hands." Lucifer was the first to offer his hand, and Alastor appeared to be contemplating whether he should smack it away or not. Eventually, he outstretched his hand and they shook hands. Alastor's hand was ice cold, like he had frozen his hands in a freezer before hand.

"Now hug."

"That won't be necessary, I feel a lot better now." Alastor tensed up, straining a polite smile. Lucifer grinned evilly, his act was faltering.

"Come on! A hug makes everyone feel better!" Lucifer wrapped his arms around the skinny waist, his head resting against Alastor's chest. He could feel the supposed heartless Alastor's heart rate quicken. It was straining to beat out of his chest and Lucifer chortled to himself. He couldn't even handle a hug from a so-called friend.

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