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Awakening was unpleasant to say the least. Lucifer woke up after hearing a loud crash from the other side of the bed. He opened one eye to peek at the commotion and both eyes shot open.

Alastor's shoulders were broad and his antlers were scraping the ceiling. He was looming over Charlie's sleeping body, claws dreadfully close to her neck. His neck craned over the bed and an evil, twisted grin spread across his face. Stitches were seen intertwined with his flesh at the corner of his mouth and a large x on his forehead glowed like a fire fly.

Something in Lucifer snapped. How dare Alastor try to hurt his beloved daughter! The same daughter they were fighting over! Horns grew from his head, his eyes turned scarlet and wings unfolded from his back. He launched himself at the radio demon, hands around the comically thin throat. He bashed the demon's head against the wall, leaving a sizeable dent. Alastor's eyes narrowed and summoned a shadowing tentacle to wrap around Lucifer's neck. The King broke it with ease and raised his fist for a punch. An ear-splitting scream shocked them both out of their violent states. It was Charlie's scream.

Their necks snapped to her direction. Charlie was running around the room with a roach in her blonde locks, calling for Niffty. She grasped the bug and threw it against the floor, watching in spiteful glee as it exploded with a splat. That's when she glanced up to see Alastor pinned against a wall, his eyes dark and beady, and Lucifer holding him by the neck - his devil tail whipping against the bed frame.

"What are you guys doing?!" She screeched, and the two reluctantly let go of each other and returned to their normal forms. Alastor dusted himself off, like Lucifer was dirty.

"I was trying to get the roach off your face, but it seems there was a misunderstanding and Lucifer attacked me."

"Hey! Don't make me seem like the bad guy, you were practically a real beansprout with the way you grew!"

"There's always an excuse, I was simply trying to scare the roach off." Alastor tutted, and Lucifer scrutinised him.

"I'm surprised you're not hung over from the amount of drinking you did last night. It was really out of character for you Alastor." Lucifer chortled, "did you enjoy your ears being massaged?" Alastor growled and his eyes were darkening.

"Can you guys just get along? You were fine when you were both hammered, it's a shame you're back to normal now." Charlie sighed, storming out of the room. Lucifer felt guilty, and it was apparent that Alastor felt some sort of remorse.

"Tell me what you were actually planning to do. Lilith wouldn't want you to harm Charlie." Lucifer said lowly, "you will tell, or I'll just tell Charlie that you died by a freak accident. Perhaps I should broadcast your screams like you would broadcast your victims."

Alastor narrowed his eyes, his ears pinned against his skull. "My, my, you aren't threatening me are you? You wouldn't even know how to work my radio station!"

"Maybe I'll execute you, tearing you up limb from limb in front of all your enemies. They'll enjoy that."

"What makes you think Lilith has anything to do with it?"

"Because when you were drunk, you told us you sold your soul to Lilith in exchange for information." Lucifer watched Alastor's eyes widen as he was reminded of his drunken confession.

"If I killed Charlie, Lilith's deal would be void and I can have my full power back."

"You don't care about her do you? You only care about that fucking deal. What's your end goal? What do you want from this hotel? Because it sure as hell isn't redemption." Lucifer was in Alastor's face now, prodding him in the chest with a finger.

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