Chapter 7:

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Ezra's P.O.V:

I had a bad feeling about letting Alex leave by herself so I had asked Devyn to follow her to make sure that nothing happened to her while she was going wherever it was that she was going. I think that she said something about work.

Once they were gone I heard Jake speak up again asking what we were going to do today. Hmmm....

"How about we go shopping at the mall?" Lena asked as she looked around the room with hopeful eyes.

"Sure. I needed to go sooner or later anyways." Nico said as he looked up at me.

"Yeah. Let's get ready to leave then." I said as I headed to the stairs so that I could go and get ready for the day.

After I finished getting dressed I walked back down to the living room only to find Jake sitting on the couch scrolling through some sort of social media.

I sat down next to him and pulled out my phone waiting for the others to get done with getting ready. After about eight minutes of waiting we were all ready to go so we got into our cars and headed to the mall.

As we all were hanging out at the mall I got a phone call. When I saw that the caller was Devyn I picked it up asking her what was up.

"She made it to her work safely. What should I do now? You know that it isn't safe for her to be out at night all by herself." Devyn said with worry.

"Don't worry. I'll contact her brother and tell him that Alex will be needing a place to stay for the next few weeks." I said back to Devyn.

"Okay. Where are all of you?" She asked.

"We are all at the mall shopping at the moment. Why? You wanna join?" I asked in a joking tone.

"Hell yeah I do!!!" She yelled before ending the call. Without saying bye to me.

After I told Alex's brother about everything that has happened and that she will need a place to stay for the next few weeks I noticed that Devyn was here and already done with her shopping along with everyone else. So we decided to go back to the house for the night.

Word count: 385

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