Chapter 9:

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Alex's P.O.V:

I was in complete and utter shock. I'm a vampire! This means that I'm dead! T-that means that I have always been dead! Oh my god... I need to calm down and think about this slowly. Alright Alex, you can do this. Breathe in... Breathe out... That's it, slow, calm, deep breaths. After a few more seconds of calming myself down I looked up towards where Dakota was standing and quickly ran over to him.

"I don't want to be dead! W-what am I going to do now!? I can't go to work knowing that I've been dead my entire life! I... I can't..." I started off but ended up breaking down into tears as he hugged me tightly in an attempt to calm me down.

"Shh... Everything will be okay. The only difference between now and just a few minutes ago is the fact that you just didn't know that you were a vampire. It won't change anything. It won't change who you are." I heard him say softly as he rubbed my back gently.

"Are you sure? I-if these two creeps came after me looking to give me to another creep, then wouldn't there be even more people out there who are probably trying to get their hands on me? How do I know that there were never any vampires looking for or stalking me even before just now!?" I said loudly as I began to shake in fear at the thought of having been watched without me even knowing about it.

"Hey, listen to me! Everything is going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you. Nor will I allow anybody to lay their hands on you to hurt you in any way. Do you understand me?" He asked me as he pulled away slightly so that he could make me look him in the eyes.

"You promise? Promise me! Please, I don't want to be separated from you again! I don't know how I'll be able to live with myself if I end up losing you again." I said as I buried my face back into his neck while he hugged me even tighter.

"I promise. I won't let anything happen to you. I won't even let these jerks take you away. I'll help get you out of this situation and protect you with my life. I promise you, even if it ends up being the last thing that I ever end up doing." Dakota stated, not once letting go of the hug he had me in.

"Okay, I trust you." I mumbled before he let me go and pushed me towards Jackson.

"Stay with Jackson, okay? I'm gonna deal with these pricks now." Kota said before turning around to face the two men who were here to try and take me away to their boss.

"Wait!-" I called out but he was already launching himself towards the two men.

As I watched Dakota try to fight both of these guys at once I began to feel like he needed somebody to help him. Both of these guys were extremely huge with an insane amount of strength for it to be considered normal even for a vampire. When I tried to head towards where Dakota was in the process of fighting the big bald guy Jackson pulled me back so that I was now stuck standing behind him and not just partly hidden behind him.

"You need to stay here. You shouldn't be trying to run towards the danger and the men who are here to take you away somewhere dangerous. I was put in charge of making sure that you stay safe, so you better stay here and not keep trying to leave." Jackson told me sternly as he made sure that I wouldn't be able to get away from him and run into the danger that was right in front of us.

"He needs help! He can't fight both of those huge dudes all on his own! If you wont allow me to go out there and help him, then you have to! I can't just stand here and watch him get beaten to death!" I yelled as I tried to get past Jackson once more, tears beginning to flood my eyes.

"I understand, I'll go and help him if you promise me that you will not try to go out there even if things do begin to go south. Do you understand me? No matter what, no matter how bad the situation might get... You. Stay. Here. Got that?" Jackson turned to me and said as he grabbed my shoulders firmly. I nodded. "Tell me with your words. Verbally tell me that you will not move from this spot for any reason." Jackson demanded.

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